Am I missing my surge?

Good afternoon everyone,

I am on month 2 of testing for my Lh surge and have yet to detect it.

The first month I was testing once a day and started on day 12 (my cycle is roughly 35-36 days.) I tested until day 23 and nothing.

This is the second month and I'm testing twice a day; morning and evening. Right now I'm on day 20 and haven't detected anything. I'm starting to get very frustrated and don't know what to do. My doctor wanted to run a blood test on me last month to see if I ovulated but I asked to wait so I could try testing twice a day.

Any guideance is greatly appreciated!


  • Keri,
    All I can do is give my personal experience. I have 28 day cycles and I get my surge on day 13 faithfully. I test several times a day and decrease my water intake since water can dilute the LH hormone in your urine. I know the opk's are expensive but I use two different kinds, I use some Internet cheapies and the the clear blue easy digital that give smiley face.
    I got pregnant my 2nd unmedicated iui, I did my insemination 23 hours after I got my smiley face. I have a 2 yr old little boy and will be trying for number two in February. Good luck!!
  • JesKin thank you!! I didn't know about the water intake. I can drink upwards of 100 oz a day! I too am testing with 2 different opk's. Congrats on your little boy and good luck with #2!
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