
Using Donor #13186

Hello Everyone... I am going through my 1st cycle of IUI with donor 13186. I have noticed that he is almost sold out. Last week he had over 20 tubes of IUI. Today, you have to call. I am hoping to find others that have used donor 13186. I know he's new and that he does have some pos+ pregnacies, but last I heard it was under 5.

****Baby Dust To All****


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    Hey MamaBrown,
    I am using 13186. I had my first IUI today. *crossing my fingers* , I also had the same experience one minute he was 25+, called last thursday was told there were 9. I had to sell my soul so I could I could buy more vials, I was afraid he'd run out especially with AA donors being in limited supply. I called the next day and he was down to 3 vials. So I bought those. I'm praying that this one sticks.

    Please KIT, I'd love to hear about your results.

    **Baby dust to You**
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    Hi Poeitknayture,

    I'm so happy we were able to connect. I'm having my IUI tomorrow morning at 9:30am...Happy baby vibes to both of us for sure... You are very right there aren't many AA out here...

    What did his numbers look like today?

    What area are you in? I'm from the Boston, MA area.
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    I'm in NYC...they actually didn't give me the count today, I was so flustered this morning (ovulated early, freaking out about follicle size, first iui gitters) I didn't check the analysis box on my intake form. Pcrossing my fingers for first timers luck, but with stage 4 endometriosis I'm prepared for the long haul if need be.
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    Well I asked about the numbers and the nurse said they were very very good.. 13186 came in at 74mil. I have to agree with you it has been a huge haze since this morning when I went in to have the IUI. I cramped a lot at first, but now a few hours later I am back to feeling normal... How are you feeling? I was instructed to return to my clinic on the 28th of a blood test.
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    I'm good, I had spotting like they said I would but other than that pretty much back to normal. I rested the whole day and even elevated my bottom and all that. I may be spending too much time on google :).. That's great to hear about the numbers. I think though though my timing was off, I'm still showing as positive on the OPK, so I'm now thinking I may still be waiting for the egg to be released and the sperm are likely not viable anymore. My cycle was off a bit this month so we shall see. Again with the google, I read washed sperm is only viable for 12-24 hours, I still have super amounts of faith though and all I need is one of the million to get through. I will heading in to the doc around the same time. I'll let you know what happens.

    Sending sticky thoughts and baby dust your way!
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    I know how you are feeling... You have to rememebr that Google is not always our "friend".LOL..(I should own stock in the company, if it wasn't trading for over $800 a share) Shoot a sista has to save up for more vials of 13186.LMAO... Don't get to down becuase you have to remember that when people do the normal "Baby Making Dance" only close to 2,000 of the sperm make it to the track. With us we are puting at least 10 million sperm into the track, so our odds are great... Have faith and remember that you are not alone in this walk. You have a sister from another mister that is rooting for you and your "sticky bean". Keep your head -up and always have faith...
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    Thanks for the support. I truly appreciate it. Keeping the faith!
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    How are you doing Poetiknayture? How are you holding up? You ran across my mind this morning and just wanted to say hi and say this is the hadest 2ww I have ever had...LOL
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    I'm good thankfully work is pretty busy for me so its keeping me distracted although I do find myself in the morning looking down at my stomach like hmmm is anything going on in there. My mother, who I affectionately refer to as "My baby daddy", has been giving me the eye every now and again. I'm going to try and hold out for the 14th day to test. So 10 days feels soooo far away.
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    My IUI was one day after yours, so you know I feel the same way. I try not to think about it, but some how I find my thoughts travel right back to just that...LOL I love your mom's nickname... Three of my friends have taken on that name too... Although I don't think they can pull it off as well as your mom can..I'm glad to hear you have support...
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    Mamabrown how are you holding up? I'm literally sitting on my hands over here. I'm 12piui and trying so hard not to use the test I have. I've literally hidden the test out of sight, it's like some sort of crazy fear because if I get a BFN the ride is over for this month but that's crossed with oh my god I must know. I'm now going to really try and wait until AF is due which is not until December 2/3, meanwhile I'm literally over analyzing everything. twinge in my left side= the egg has implanted on the right side of my uterus riiiiggghhtt? lol. I'm damn near giving myself self breast exam severyday like are they sore yet?? I also find myself trying convince myself that i'm probably not pregnant so that if I get a BFN I can deal but them I switch to got to stay positive mode. I feel almost bipolar. Hopefully this 2ww isn't as crazy for you as mine is.
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    Oh Poetiknayture.... I feel your pain.. Today I'm 13dpIUI and I feel like a cat chaseing its tail. I thought I was the only one that was thinking that... I too keep telling myself it's going to be a BFN because that is all I have gotten, so not to get my hopes up. I got a really bad cold out of no where around 6dpIUI and I'm now starting to get over it. I haven't tested yet either, but I keep trolling the web for signs and stories of other woman that have gotten BFP. It's driving me nuts...Having the holidy last week helped a little with helping the time pass. I go in for my BETA on Wednesday Morning....We can do this... Only a few more days to go...
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    Totally had crazy cramping today and a swore up and down AF had come early. I'm not sure if she really is on the way or if this is a good sign...it's like reading star charts or something.

    ~Keeping hope alive!
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    How are you feeling Poeitiknayture? We have made it through the tww...LOL I went in for my test this morning, but I brokedown at 13dpiui and tested and it was a BFN. So, I don't have my hopes up that high with todays test. I hope you are having better luck and better news....Thinking of you and sending all the baby dust in the world...
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    Poetiknayture.... Just got the call from the doctor's office and it was a BFN this cycle. Very sad :( :( :(

    I will try again in January...
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    NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Damn Damn Damn Mama I was hoping that one of us was successful..AF is in full flow right now , no pun intended, any its a bitch I feel like i'm so much more crampy and crazy. Came on yesterday and POAS to confirm th BFN then proceeded to drown my sorrows in moscato. This just wasn't our month :(.

    I'm going to try again in next cycle, I didn't use an HCG trigger shot or anything but now i'm tempted to. I'm heading to the doc tomorrow to get my baseline and see what's happening with these follicles.

    I still got faith that we'll be baby making machines soon!
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    BTW feel free to shoot me an email instead of posting on here: shakirazokane@gmail.com
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    I've got the extended profile, interview and all of that. What's your email?
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    Hi Poetiknayture... I have collected myself and I am about to try for round two... Fingers crossed..Sometime this week. How are you? Are you getting ready for another cycle?
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    Hey Mama,
    2nd round already underway I had my second iui on saturday. I'm in the crazy two week wait per normal. I found out that I have low egg reserves so that pretty much sucked and while i'm doing natural iui now, they want me to be more aggressive should this cycle not work. I'm really hopeful though I felt like the timeline this go round was close to picket I'm really praying. The number though weren't awesome, 5 million, I'm really just praying..I'll go in for me beta on the 22nd.
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    Ms. P... You know that CCB has a claim that all of there IUI vials have to be a minium of 10mil sperm. You can get a refund on that vial, if you contact CCB and have the doctor's office send documemts to CCB on the numbers. 5mil is within the policy of a refund for the vial. Baby dust... It will be a Xmas baby gift...
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    Hey mama,
    So iui #2 failed....I honestly am just getting out of the crying all the time haze. This second cycle really broke me, even typing right now I'm starting to get emotional. I have two more vials left and I just don't know how much more I can take. There are women that have gone through 6+ cycles...I know I can't emotionally handle that. I'm going to do my last natural cycle this month, I'm toying with the idea of clomid for the 4th if this doesn't work. After that who knows...Ivf maybe. I have also been thinking about adoption...all of it is so expensive and I'm single.

    Hopefully you are having better luck on your end. Have a great Xmas!
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    My heart cries for you and me. My cycle failed too. I found out this morning.. I am very heart broken and unsure how much more I can take either. Every where I look I see new babies or women carrying babies in their stomachs, or family and friends having new little ones.. It's hard... Happy new year!!
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    Hi Ladies,

    I hope it is okay if I join the conversation...I am so sorry to year that you haven't had success so far. It absolutely breaks my heart. I too chose donor 13186. I am a single women in her late 20s who has been dying to have children for years, but because I haven't as my doc calls it "found Mr. Right" I decided to move forward with a donor. She recommended for various reasons that I go the IVF route. I had success with this donor using that route. I know it's out of this world expensive, and in my job I'm not exactly rolling in it, but I just thought this may be my only chance. Thankfully it worked; I wouldn't be able to repeat if it didn't. If I can offer anything, even if it's just support, please let me know.

    I hope you don't give up; everyone deserves the opportunity to become a mom if you want it!
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    So glad you joined the convo. It's so good to hear a positive result with this donor. How far along are you? I'm also going at it alone, I'll be 29 this July. I have stage 4 endo and no "Mr. Right" to speak of so I moved forward with IUI. I'm on my 3rd IUI, in the 2WW haze, I'm 11dpiui and I'll have my beta on the 15th. I've got my fingers crossed this go round. I'll keep you all updated.
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    IUI#3 BFN.... :(.
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    I am in the Boston area and am in my 3rd IVF cycle. I am seeking donor #13186. I have one sample at my doctr's office, but they highly recommend 2 and #13186 is currently out. Does anyone hav #13186 stored at California Cryobank?
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    Did anyone ever have a preg with this one???
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    Hi All-

    Just wanted to give you an update that we do have more than 5 reported pregnancies for Donor 13186 and we are estimating that additional vials should be available for sale on May 2nd. If you would like to receive an email notification with details about the upcoming vial release, please call Client Services and ask to be added to the notification list for this donor.

    Best of luck,

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    Thanks Nicole.
    Do you know if they will be IUI or ICI??
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