
New to this

Hello all, I am going about this journey alone but have a lot of support.
I am looking forward to hearing your stories!

I am 42 years old, have never been pregnant but had also never tried prior to this.
My day 3 blood work was as follows:
FSH 6.6
Prolactin 20
Estrialol 39.1
AMH 0.98
Hysterosalpingogram was normal
I menstruate monthly and have never missed.

My fertility doctor is letting me go this first round without medication based on my blood work..
Went back on day 10 of the cycle and daily for ultrasound and blood work since, its now the 12th day, have a follicle 16.7 cm per ultrasound, my estriadol level today was 264.
They had mentioned possibly using a trigger shot. I have been using and OPK daily, so far no surge.

Has anyone had a trigger shot prior to a 20 mm folicle?


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    Welcome and congrats. I was 42 almost 43 when I got pregnant. I did it without any medications or triggers. I have a healthy 3 year old. Good luck. Just remember it is a roller coaster ride.
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    Thank you bandit
    I also just went through the first round with no medications, they were talking about a possible trigger shot over the weekend but I had my own surge naturally on Christmas eve and was called to come in Christmas morning for my first
    IUI, it went great, will return in 2 weeks for HCG blood work!
    Hoping for the best!
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    Hi, I am 44 and have an 18 year old son. I have not been able to conceive since then. I am going to do the insemination, but I would like to know what the process is after the insemination. Thanks.
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    Hi Caryann. Every doctor and patient is different, so you should really ask your doctor what their process is after iui, but usually the doctor might have you take a progesterone supplement to help support a potential pregnancy, although not all doctors do this. They might also have you come in to get your progesterone level checked a week after your iui. And then, two weeks after your insemination, you get your blood drawn for a beta hcg test to see if you're pregnant. Although again, some doctors just have you take a home pregnancy test and only do the blood work if you get a positive. If you're not pregnant, you stop the progesterone and wait for your period to start so that you can try again. Good luck!
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    Hi Single Journey,

    I'm also 42, had great numbers as you did so they opted not to put me on any meds and to do a natural IUI. I had one natural pregancy that ended in miscarriage earlier this year and after a DNC and waiting for the healing time this month is my first attempt. My OPK detected a surge on the 23rd. Went in on Chistmas Eve morning for ultrasound, uteran lining was an 11 (they want at least 8) and rt side folicle was 22, so they did the IUI 2 hours later thinking I would naturally ovulate in the next 6 hours. I'm 5 dpiui and in the waiting game. I'll go on Thursday for my pogesterone level test to see if a boost is needed or if levels are fine. The waiting is the hardest part, every little cramp or twinge I take to mean someting - but I'm really positive and have nothing but optimism about getting a BFP when I test in just over a week. Good Luck!!! It's great to see so many women so excited to be welcoming a baby into the world on their own as I will be doing - what a great sisterhood!
    Happy New Year!
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    Thanks Shellyham,
    I have also been much more aware of pains and cramps that I get at times. My follicle was only about 18.7 the day of my surge, but my doctor said anything above 18 was fine and that it would grow overnight as well before the IUI.
    The waiting part is definitely hard. Today I woke up really nauseous for the first time and have been nauseous all day. I had really bad cramping last night but no spotting at this time. I am hoping its good news and not that I am coming down with something. I go back for blood work on the 8th, seems so far away.
    I had an ultrasound and blood work 3 days in a row, but they did not do and ultrasound the morning of my IUI, wish they did. They also did not do any progesterone testing, not sure if they were just letting that go as well since my body was doing everything it needed on its own.
    Wishing you the best this round!
    Happy New Year to you as well!
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    Hi Single journey,
    Unfortunately I got a BFN on that IUI, but am in the TWW for my attempt this month and feel totally different. No cramping, nothing out of the ordinary, so I'm taking that as a sign that someting positive is coming my way! I test on the 5th to see....fingers crossed! On this IUI my Dr. said he wanted me to do a trigger shot just to have a better feel for timing on the ovulation, so we did a trigger shot late the night of day 12, I picked up a surge on day 13 with Ov kit, and day 14 did an ultrasound showing that the egg had left and I did ovulate, so we did the IUI that morning. Fingers crossed we all have some good news to share soon.
    Cheers to baby dust!
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    Hi Single journey,
    Unfortunately I got a BFN on that IUI, but am in the TWW for my attempt this month and feel totally different. No cramping, nothing out of the ordinary, so I'm taking that as a sign that someting positive is coming my way! I test on the 5th to see....fingers crossed! On this IUI my Dr. said he wanted me to do a trigger shot just to have a better feel for timing on the ovulation, so we did a trigger shot late the night of day 12, I picked up a surge on day 13 with Ov kit, and day 14 did an ultrasound showing that the egg had left and I did ovulate, so we did the IUI that morning. Fingers crossed we all have some good news to share soon.
    Cheers to baby dust!
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