Donor 12812 Success!!!

It's been a long road to be able to get here (as I'm sure is the case for most couples trying out there) and be able to post that I'm finally pregnant and it's all thanks to donor 12812.

My husband and I have been together for 10 years. I have a son from a previous relationship who is going to be 12 in January. My husband and I actively began trying over 2 years ago. After a year of the doctors thinking it was only my fault we weren't getting pregnant (no ovulation for over 3 months after going off BC - and 3 failed rounds of clomid by my ob/gyn) we were finally referred to a specialist who diagnosed me with PCOS and discovered that my husband doesn't have any sperm.

We went through surgeons to see if it was a blockage causing the low volume and no sperm count, but after 3 opinions from male infertility specialists, we opted for the donor route. It was one of the most difficult decisions we've ever had to make. We had family close to us that have been critical of our choice, but in reality it only mattered what my husband and I felt was the right way to go. Ultimately, my husband has always loved my son as if he was his own flesh and blood and he wanted to experience pregnancy with me from the beginning and the first year of a newborns life since he didn't get to do that with our son.

We went through different cryobanks' databases trying to find someone who was of similar ancestry (my husband is Irish and Italian) and someone who was similar in height/weight etc of course. At first we found donor 12343, and we attempted an IUI cycle. During the IUI cycle I only had 1 follicle develop. The cycle ended without a pregnancy. We then decided to do IVF instead. When I went back to order 12343, the donor was out of stock. I was devastated. But everything happens for a reason... We decided to go with our new donor and got underway the following month. So many shots and pills... if I never see another needle it'll be too soon! They were able to retrieve 23 eggs. Of the 23 eggs, 14 of them were mature enough to use and 11 of them fertilized. They transferred back 2 embryos about 2 weeks ago and were able to freeze 6 of the remaining 9. We just got the news today that the transfer was a success!!! I'm ecstatic and I can't wait to find out if both of the embryos attached themselves.

I would love to know if there are others out there with successful pregnancies from donor 12812. And to the donor, wherever he might be, thank you for giving me this most precious gift.


  • Hi - can I get an update on your post? I'm considering donor 12812 now.

  • What an awesome story and thanks for sharing! Although this isn't our donor choice, it's great to connect with someone who shares a similar story. My husband and I are unable to have biological children and are pursuing the donor route also. I hope all is still going well. If you don't mind, I would love to connect with you more. My email is nblondheim @
  • Jorgensk -- I'm so sorry for not replying - It's been a whirlwind couple of months - around the time of your post I was put in the hospital with contractions (at only 28 weeks), dehydration, and an infection and between getting myself well and setting up the nursery, I haven't had much time for anything. I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant with my TWIN BOYS :) as of tomorrow (April 15th). At my last doctors appointment, I was 3 centimeters dilated but sent home to wait out either stronger more consistent contractions or the breaking of my water. It's been a week since that appointment and I'm still going strong. The twins have measured at the 50th percentile at each ultrasound which they tell me is the national average and therefore a very good thing and their heartbeats have remained strong. I feel them kick and squirm quite often, however they are already proving to be trouble makers because the moment I open my mouth for my son or my husband to come feel them (or watch them move since my belly is constantly doing the wave!) they stop moving and hide from them! We cannot wait for the big day to finally come and to hold our two baby boys in our arms.

    nblondheim - I will contact you - again I'm so sorry for no reply sooner - I've neglected the messaging boards and would love to get in touch. :)
  • Jorgensk -- I'm so sorry for not replying - It's been a whirlwind couple of months - around the time of your post I was put in the hospital with contractions (at only 28 weeks), dehydration, and an infection and between getting myself well and setting up the nursery, I haven't had much time for anything. I'm currently 37 weeks pregnant with my TWIN BOYS :) as of tomorrow (April 15th). At my last doctors appointment, I was 3 centimeters dilated but sent home to wait out either stronger more consistent contractions or the breaking of my water. It's been a week since that appointment and I'm still going strong. The twins have measured at the 50th percentile at each ultrasound which they tell me is the national average and therefore a very good thing and their heartbeats have remained strong. I feel them kick and squirm quite often, however they are already proving to be trouble makers because the moment I open my mouth for my son or my husband to come feel them (or watch them move since my belly is constantly doing the wave!) they stop moving and hide from them! We cannot wait for the big day to finally come and to hold our two baby boys in our arms.

    nblondheim - I will contact you - again I'm so sorry for no reply sooner - I've neglected the messaging boards and would love to get in touch. :)
  • My twins were born 4/16/13. They were 6lbs 8ozs and 5lbs 9ozs. The donor had Irish and Italian heritage, like my husband, and our one twin has the fairer skin and hair and clearly takes after the Irish heritage while our 2nd boy has the darker complexion and skin tones --- clearly more of the Italian in him! I wish everyone the happiness we've experienced with our sons.
  • Jaysmomma,

    Reading your story brought tears to my eyes. I am so very happy for you and your family and that you delivered such a healthy set of twins. I am currently 28 weeks pregnant with donor 12812. It's a girl. She will only be 6 months younger than your boys when she is born. I would love to connect with you. I am sure you have your hands full but please feel free to contact me at
  • Dkempf -- I'm only now seeing your post! Just yesterday I discovered all the babes on the sibling registry. I reached out to 2 so far and you'll be next!
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