
Looking into donor #'s 14052,12322, 14019, 12912, 13946

Hi...I am am new member and we are switching from another bank that did not provide quality sperm counts for the donor that we used. I would like to know how many pregnancies have been reported for these donors? How long have they been donating?

Also, I wondered if there are any free trials that you give to new members to look at pictures and other documents of the donors? I know that I get level 1 for free, but I wondered if I could try out level 2 or 3 for free for a week? I didn't know if you had that.

Since we have had problems with a previous bank, we are very concerned with the kind of sample that we get and not having it work because of a low sperm count.

Thank you!


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    Hi Miracle -

    Welcome to CCB! As you may know, our company was started by physicians and we are dedicated to providing high quality donor specimen. We operate labs in 4 cities and have a stringent donor screening process which takes 3-4 months and less than 1% of applicants actually become CCB donors. In addition, we evaluate each specimen prior to release to ensure that it meets our high quality standards.

    Although, we don't offer a free trial, we do allow you to access a free sample of each donor information item. You can use the link below and click on the icons of the donor info items to view the sample PDFs.


    We can share if a donor has more or less than 5 reported pregnancies and when the donor first became available. (It's possible that the donor was sold out of vials for a period of time.) Please keep in mind that reported pregnancies are usually linked to the length of time a donor has been available and/or the popularity of his characteristics.

    Donor 14052 has been on our catalog for less than 3 months and currently has less than 5 reported pregnancies. (He is started to run low on vials and may sell out soon.)

    Donor 12322 was added to our catalog in Sept 2010 and has 5 or more reported pregnancies.

    Donor 14019 was added to our catalog in Sept 2014 and has less than 5 reported pregnancies. (He is started to run low on vials and may sell out soon.)

    Donor 12912 was added to our catalog in Nov 2012 and has 5 or more reported pregnancies.

    Donor 13946 was added to our catalog in Aug 2014 and currently does not have reported pregnancies.


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    Hey cryo-admin,

    How many reported pregnancies does 14019 have now?
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    Hi Miss -

    Donor 14019 has 5 or more reported pregnancies.


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