
Just got my BFP from #11385

I just wanted to let everyone know that I have had success with donor 11385. This month was my first IUI with clomid and trigger shot. I took my beta test on Wednesday and it was positive, and the number was so high they said there could be a chance of twins! My husband and I are so excited. We used ICI vials from this donor and had our RE wash them, they said the numbers were outstanding. I wish everyone else tons of success!


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    Thanks for your post and congrats. You are so luck to have success with clomid and your trigger shot. I have had 4 IUIS with clomid (no trigger). I am now on day 2 menopur inection and will rec rigger next week. I am about to purchase more vials and am so confused about whether to buy ICI our IUI since in the past the beginning count was 25mil when prev purchased ICU and had RE wash and at insem ranges were from 8mil to 15 mil. Sounds like your ICI was better, may I ask the count? This has to be my last round for a while due to finances and any advice or info you could provide my husband and I will be very thankful. I am hesitant to switch donors because all the thought that goes into selection but am considering it. Thanks and best of luck to you and your hubby.
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