
2472, 11206, 11370, 11289, 11290, 12477, 11187, 12101, 12215

I have read most of your posts and feel positive about asking for help. This is our 3rd time through the donor selection process. Our 1st donor has retired and our second donor (Raphael Nadal) won't be available in time for our IVF. We have had donor matching done and it helped us to pick our retired donor. Now, we are stuck with 2 weeks until retrieval with: 2472, 11206, 11370, 11289, 11290, 12477, 11187, 12101, 12215. We are looking for information, pictures, etc. to help us narrow down our search once again. We are a mixed race couple and want to a child that is racially reflective of us. . . thanks in advance for the time you take to share information with us.

:D Ann
Email us: coconutbabies@gmail.com


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    Hi Ann, I too am on the hunt. Retreival in May. I choose originally 11022. he has retired. I know am going with my first original donor of 02472. I havent recieved anything yet, but hopefully someone will shoot me an email with some photos or either donor and/or baby. If this happens I WILL immediately send you my info, in hope that you too will do the same. Good luck. Lauren
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