
3rd time is the charm?

On my 3rd IUI attempt. Switched donors and my doctor started my Follistem earlier and at a higher dose. Its been a long road, hoping to be a mommy come July 2014...


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    Hi gcshelly93,

    I'm right there with you. I'm on my 3rd IUI cycle (I'm on day 20). I'll know my results in about a week.

    I am hoping to be a mommy come June 2014 but I'll do the 4th IUI if I need to and hopefully become a mommy in July 2014.

    I switched donors as well. If I have to do another cycle, I may do Femara instead of Clomid.

    Anyway, here's hoping to summer 2014 babies!!!

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    Here's hoping its CD 28 and still no sign of a period. I'm trying not to get overly excited. If I make it through tonight without Aunt Flo ill love it. My period has never been this late. Summer 2014 babies here we come. Baby dust to all!
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    Thanks Kate and Queen. I am doing my best to stay positive. I have PCOS and getting my follicles growing can be difficult. It took over 3 weeks with my 1st IUI and only one follicle. 2nd one was only a week and I had 2 follicles. Not taking the pills just straight shots this time. I will see on Wed. or Friday what the US shows. Good luck ladies!!! Here's to some summer baby love for us all!!
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    I too am on my 3rd iui. I just finished my round of femara and go for blood work tomorrow. Clomid did nothing for me. I also have PCOS
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    clomid did nothing for me also, and I dont have PCOS. thats why I ended up having only one follicle. Good luck

    Kate dolphin,

    How have you been? I'm supposed to test on 10/4, but I really think Im gonna get my period. I have the worse pms, moody, bitchy symptoms. I don't think those are pregnancy signs for me. Do you have any unsual symptoms, crampy?
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    Hi Sweety,

    I don't feel anything yet but I am only on day 23 so I still have some time.

    I am hoping it stuck this time but I still have no idea.

    Let me know what happens for you and I will keep you posted as well!

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    My Ultrasound is Friday. Feeling very queasy this round. Otherwise good to go. Hoping for the best for everyone. Stay positive!!
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    No measurable follicles today. Upping the Follistem and recheck on Monday. Did not take it well but its only day 6 and I have the sluggish ovaries. Thankfully, my doctor sat me down and let me get my frustrations out. He told me that he feels IUI will work for me just need to be patient and calm down.
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    Yes it is. Pregnant!!! Had my IUI 10/14. Positive test today! Hope everyone else has a good outcome as well.
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    Congrats! It is uplifting to hear your good news. I was feeling down because my second IUI was a bust. Can you tell me what regimen did you do (meds, ultrasound etc..)? Summer babies are the best. Hopefully I will be following right behind you! Can you tell me what where your lab levels AMH etc? Is Follistem an injection? You didn't take any oral stim meds? Sorry about all the questions I am just trying to decide if I should change anything. I took Femara days 5-9 and did monitoring and Ovidrel shot.
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    I started Follistem on day 3. I am almost 39 and have PCOS. I had 3 follicles. No oral meds this time. I did switch donors 13600 a new donor and I am his 1st pregnancy I think. I did the Ovidrel shot too. I swear the difference this time was my mental status. I had a bit of a meltdown at the beginning of this cycle. My doctor is so good, he sat me down and told me he really feels strongly that IUI will work for me and I need to calm down. I went to a festival in the mountains and had an awesome time. Went to a concert. Really didn't talk about it much during the 2 week wait. I prayed when I got anxious and I know that all worked to my advantage. I hope to that your next cycle goes well and we can both be summer mommies.
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    All my day 3 labs were normal.
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    CONGRATULATIONS!!!! gcshelly93. Here's to a H&H 9 months.
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    Thanks so much!!
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    Thanks maybe I will talk to my RE about Follistem when I see her. I do think your stress level has a lot to do with it. I am staying positive and continuing on.
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    Awesome. Good luck Queen.
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    I know this is an old post, but trying to connect with other 13600 families and was curious if you were interested :)
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