3rd time is the charm?
Posts: 30
On my 3rd IUI attempt. Switched donors and my doctor started my Follistem earlier and at a higher dose. Its been a long road, hoping to be a mommy come July 2014...
I'm right there with you. I'm on my 3rd IUI cycle (I'm on day 20). I'll know my results in about a week.
I am hoping to be a mommy come June 2014 but I'll do the 4th IUI if I need to and hopefully become a mommy in July 2014.
I switched donors as well. If I have to do another cycle, I may do Femara instead of Clomid.
Anyway, here's hoping to summer 2014 babies!!!
clomid did nothing for me also, and I dont have PCOS. thats why I ended up having only one follicle. Good luck
Kate dolphin,
How have you been? I'm supposed to test on 10/4, but I really think Im gonna get my period. I have the worse pms, moody, bitchy symptoms. I don't think those are pregnancy signs for me. Do you have any unsual symptoms, crampy?
I don't feel anything yet but I am only on day 23 so I still have some time.
I am hoping it stuck this time but I still have no idea.
Let me know what happens for you and I will keep you posted as well!
I started Follistem on day 3. I am almost 39 and have PCOS. I had 3 follicles. No oral meds this time. I did switch donors 13600 a new donor and I am his 1st pregnancy I think. I did the Ovidrel shot too. I swear the difference this time was my mental status. I had a bit of a meltdown at the beginning of this cycle. My doctor is so good, he sat me down and told me he really feels strongly that IUI will work for me and I need to calm down. I went to a festival in the mountains and had an awesome time. Went to a concert. Really didn't talk about it much during the 2 week wait. I prayed when I got anxious and I know that all worked to my advantage. I hope to that your next cycle goes well and we can both be summer mommies.
I know this is an old post, but trying to connect with other 13600 families and was curious if you were interested :)