
Storage Fees

Hi there!

If neither the Family Today nor Family Tomorrow storage programs offer what I need, where can I find the cost per month/year or whatever individual vials are charged?

Also, if you are not participating in Family Today or Family Tomorrow, does the vial buy-back program still apply?



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    Hi drmchk -

    You can always sell back any qualified vials to us as long as they have not been shipped out of our facility.

    Please note an important aspect of the Family Today/Tomorrow programs is having the vials secured for future use. Donors often sell out, so the only way to make sure your donor is there when you are ready (either for multiple cycles or a second child in the future) is to store them while they are available.

    Specimen Storage Fees:
    6 months $250
    1 year $420
    2 years $690
    3 years $920
    5 years $1,365
    10 years $2,300
    Vial Retrieval FREE


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    just wanted to jump in on this question: are those storage fees per vial, or for any amount of vials less than 6?
    thanks much,
  • Options
    Hi -

    Storage fees are per account regardless of how many vials. Storing ten vials is the same fee as storing one.

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