
New to all this. Single and ready to be a mom. A few quick questions and some suggestions and ideas

I've been doing research and looking into donors. Has anyone used donor 13025? Any one pregnant or has had a child by this donor? That donor really seems to just stick out there to me like that's the one. But I'm not real sure. I've looked at that donor along with a couple of others but just keep coming back to this one. I've got to talk to my doctor. I have surgery again on the 21st of February for my endometriosis. This makes the 3rd surgery for it. And while my doctor is in there this time he's going to check my fallopian tubes and make sure that they are clear and open of any blockage. I'm only 26 years old but I am ready to being my journey as a single mother. My obgyn keeps putting off a hysterectomy wants me to be able to have at least one kid before he has to do it. And I'm ready to take the step of becoming a mother before it's too late for me. I have started taking a prenatal vitamin a day as my doctor told me that will help. But I haven't told him yet that I'm checking into sperm donations. I know I'm going to have to tell him because I'm sure he will be the one to sign my forms for it. Been trying to wait for Mr.Right but don't want to waste anymore precious time waiting. I'm ready to start with plan B


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    I think you are doing a great job at your plans! I'm 32 and making plans for motherhood as well. For me its not so much as finding Mr Right, but that I was diagnosed with Lymphoma and the effects of the chemotherapy would rob me of that. Is your doctor an RE?
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    I know you are making a great choice. I have been trying since I was 27 and haven't been successful. I had a stroke two years ago and finally trying again.

    How are things going?
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    Hi, I'm 41 and after a whole lot of thought decided to go it alone with donor sperm. I got pregnant on my first try. I"m happy to share my story with anyone here if it might be helpful. I did not have any health issues, prior, though (aside from "advanced maternal age"- btw I hate this phrase!)
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    Newbie373 - I'd love to hear more about your story. I'm 36 and no health issues. I'm day 3 on my cycle and am using this cycle to track with opk strips so I understand them better. Then next cycle I'm tryin at home insemination. That's the idea at least ;)
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    Hi Gigi,
    I'd be happy to share what I did. Good call on starting with cycle tracking. I used the Clearblue Fertility Monitor, which told me when estrogen starts to rise (beginning of peak fertility) and then when LH surges. Depending on when you take your OPK (evening or morning) you can then figure pretty closely on when to schedule your insemination. I can send you a link to the latest research on how exactly LH surges and optimal timing for insemination. I"m also happy to share anything else that might be helpful. Do you prefer email or skype for sending documents and links?
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    I'm happy to share here, too, but I have a ton of info and don't want to overload this thread. I'm a type A and researched a ton before embarking on this journey. I'd love to share whatever I can to help!
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    Hi Newbie373,

    I'd love to hear your story as well. And any advice would be super helpful. Thanks again.
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