
My donor's info

I noticed there was a spot on this website that made it easier to access the information about the donor we're using. However, when I click on it with my account, it shows that I HAVE no purchased donor...which is not true...we bought a vial of #11116 and are waiting to have our IUI done with it next week.

How can I update this on my profile page?


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    Hi Omesaara -

    Please look for an email from our web designer. He will clear up the issue for you, but he needs a few more details.


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    Hi Omesarra my wife and I have also chosen donor #11116...is there anyway I can talk to you if you have purchased the baby pic and things like that?
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    Oh hey Omesarra plz plz let me know the outcome of your IUI...I send you lots of baby dust and prayers your way...Good Luck...
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    The confusion was on my end. The page says "Purchased Donor Information". I was reading it as INFORMATION about the DONOR vials you PURCHASED, whereas what they MEANT was DONOR INFORMATION that had been PURCHASED. :) I didn't buy any extra reports on him other than the free stuff included already.

    Thanks crysnwendi05...I am hoping beyond hope that this works, and I will definitely let everyone know!!!
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    No problem. Good luck!

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