
What was your IUI Protocol?

I have had 4 IUI's in the past 3 medicated with clomid and 1 natural and none of them worked. I was wondering about other options with other medications... From what I recall I was on clomid day 2-7 of my cycle and I produced a good amount of good sized follicles... they monitored me with an U/S and trigger shot.


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    I did 1 non-medicated (didn't work), 1 with Clomid (I didn't react well to Clomid, didn't work) then 3 with injectables. The last one worked but I miscarried at 12 weeks. Then I did 4 more rounds with injectables, none worked so I have moved on to IVF. I make great eggs and all my blood work looks great so the doctor doesn't really have any explanation.
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    That is a huge pain! I did IVF and was going to try again but not wanting to do IVF since its so expensive!
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    I did three natural, one with just a trigger, and two clomid with U/S monitoring and trigger. It took for me on that 6th try. Good luck!
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    I just did my 4th IUI about two weeks ago, still not sure if it worked. First two, did about 350ius a day of Menopur, starting from day 3 to about day 11. Had a couple ultrasounds in between, triggered with Ovidrel around day 12 and had the IUI around day 14. First IUI BFP but was chemical, second was BFN, third was IVF converted to IUI, heavy dose of FSH meds, like 650ius a day.. cycled slow and long, had IUI on day 17 and BFP, but m/c. New RE and 4th IUI was recent, did 50mg Clomid from days 3-7, 300iu's of Follistim that was gradually reduced after day 7, and did injections til about day 11. Follies were getting big on day 12 so RE had me do half of the Pregnyl trigger (5000ius)the next morning, and I had IUI on day 15. How big are your follicles before triggering? Truthfully I do better when my follicles are very mature, like 19-21mm and my IUI is done around day 15..
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