IUI and Trigger Shot, Same Day
My first IUI cycle, I recieved high readings starting on Day 11 on an OPK, got a peak mid-day on Day 14, then got my IUI done Saturday morning. It didn't take. Now I'm in the midst of my second cycle, and I decided to try a trigger shot to better time it, even though I ovulate naturally. I went for an ultrasound the morning of Day 11, after getting a high on my OPK that morning. During ultrasound, the doctor said I'd probably trigger on the night of Day 14, and get inseminated morning of Day 16. Hours later, I got a call saying my bloodwork showed I was surging and ideally I'd do the IUI the next day, but it was Thanksgiving, so office was closed. The doc said I did have one large follicle, not sure of the exact size. So, I went in later the same day (Day 11) and got the IUI done and took the trigger shot while I was at the office. Has anyone had this experience? Did I get the IUI done too early? Was it sensible to do the IUI and take the shot in the same day?
So, frozen sperm lives about 24 hours, although some studies say longer, like 48, with it losing some potency after the first 12 or 24 hours. There is a chance you ovulated in time and the sperm was right there waiting for your egg, which is ideal. I hope that's the case! But yeah I'd ask your doctor for some clarification on why he thought you wouldn't ovulate until 5 days after your surge, and why he didn't think that a peak opk meant you were surging. Good luck!