
13362 stats

we've used donor 13362 for 4 in office IUIs with no success. 2 cycles we tried using one vial each and the last two cycles we have done two in office inseminations in a row.
each time the drs said the conditions looked ideal as far as timing, mucus, etc.
can you offer me any stats for donor 13362?
i've just purchased 4 more of this donor's vials. and my partner and i are somewhat set on sticking with him, at least for 6 tries. he has the same ancestry as my partner and similar characteristics.
specifically looking for info on:
- motility
- births
- any other info that would be helpful for us
thanks in advance.


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    Hi KD -

    I'm sorry to hear that you haven't gotten a BFP yet. Please keep in mind that 3-4 IUIs to achieve pregnancy is the average number, so sometimes it can take a few more attempts.

    I'm not sure if you've already taken these steps, but to make sure that you have the best possible chance for your next cycle, you can ask your physician about checking to make sure your ovaries are clear from cysts or any blockages and doing ultrasounds to precisely monitor your ovulation.

    Donor 13362 has a daughter (as referenced in his staff impressions and extended profile) and also has reported pregnancies from CCB clients (currently less than 5). It may take a little more time before we receive any birth reports since he has been available for less than a year.

    The vials shipped to your physician included paperwork regarding the motility of those specific vials. Our IUI vials contain at least 10 million motile sperm.

    I hope this info is helpful and I wish you the best of luck with your next IUI.


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    thanks nicole!
    we are currently in our two week wait since we just did another cycle with two iui's in a row last sunday and monday.
    we are staying positive and planning to ask our physician about further steps, if that time comes.
    - kd
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