Looking for encouragement

Hi, I'm a 39 y/o in my last yr of medical residency that has decided to pursue having a baby after finding out my egg reserve is low. I have tried 1 IUI with just the ovulation shot and 1 IUI with clomid. Both obviously came back negative. I just started my 3rd IUI cycle with clomid this week. I'm trying not to to be discouraged but I keep hearing from some friends that have tried already that IUI didn't work and they ended up getting pregnant on their own naturally. But that isn't an option when your not in a relationship. How does one stay positive when you're waiting those 2 weeks after being inseminated? Any ideas or words of encouragement?


  • Well, I just turned 40 but started trying with IUI at almost 39. I also have low egg reserve. You need to try with meds. It took me 5 IUIs before I got pregnant. The first three was with clomid. Then I started with follistem and got pregnant on my fifth try. I miscarried but proceeded to get pregnant again the next month. Miscarried again and got pregnant again the next time I tried. Miscarried again now I'm trying IVF because they can see the quality of the embryo. Although I kept miscarrying one can definitely get pregnant on IUIs. Don't buy too much of one donor right away. If you are not getting pregnant right away you get frustrated with the donor and will want to switch like I did. IUIs do work as long as there are no other problems, but sometimes it takes a few months.
  • Hello Foot Doc. May I ask why they put you on Clomid? Clomid really does noything for women of AMA (+35). Are you seeing an RE or OBGYN? This process does work. Just takes longer for some. I have had 5 IUI's, 4 pregnancies, 4 miscarriages. I am now moving onto IVF also. I have low AMH but just had a scan and they found 13 follicles. When I was on injectables I would get 2-3 follicles, which was ok for IUI. I wish you luck and baby dust. Trust and believe, your time is coming.
  • Hey foot doc! The 2 week wait is rough. I did my best to ignore it. Tried to keep busy with hobbies, house work, etc. It took me 6 tries to achieve my pregnancy. I got pregnant the 3rd but miscarried very early. Make sure you have someone to lean on through this. It is very hard. I had my mother and my diary to get through it.

    I will say that I do not have low reserve and it took me being on femara, doing bravelle injections and a trigger shot to get pregnant. I would definitely see a RE if you're not and don't be afraid to go full out to get what you want! Good luck!!
  • I feel your frustration. In my 2 week wait right now. Just did my 5th IUI. so hard to know if there is something different I should be doing. This is my first cycle on clomid. Not sure if it will help. The unknown is so hard. I don't know if I should carry on, switch donors, give up??
    Hang in there!!
  • Thanks everyone for your responses. I just a
    had my 3rd IUI on Friday, so I've just started my 2ww.

    To a_walton2: I am seeing a fertility specialist. My AMH was low, but my fsh has been normal my last two IUI's. The First one I did, my fsh was too high to try clomid. On clomid I have been able to produce 2 follicles for IUI #2 and 2-3 for this past IUI. I did talk to my doctor about injectables which he said we could try, but the clomid has been working...So we shall see:)

    Do your doctors have any policies on working out during the 2ww? I'm afraid to, but I also need the stress relief. No really sure what to do...
  • Good Luck Foot Doc... I too had my IUI done on Friday. So we both have the same 2ww..
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