
family limit

What is the family limit for each sperm donor?


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    Hi Daisy -

    20-25 families world wide.


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    Scott thanks so much for the above information. I am interested in the family tomorrow plan. What happens if I am in the process but do not get pregnant when my donor meets his limit?
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    You have nothing to worry about.

    The goal is not a set limit. It is a number we target based on a formula which takes into account multiple factors to helping us determine vial limits per donor.

    On average, most donors are closer to 10-12 families (many of those families often include multiple children).

    We do not rely on reported pregnancies to set our limits because, unfortunately, some clients do not report their pregnancies to us regardless of our repeated attempts to contact them. However, if we do receive more than about 15 reports before a donor is sold out, we will often restrict the remaining vials for siblings only, thus limiting the number of new families using the donor.

    To make a long story short, once you have purchased your vials they are yours to use/keep unless you decide to sell them back.

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    Thank you so much Scott. That infomation was just what I needed to hear.
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