Which ovation test protectors did everyone use?

Which ovation test protectors did everyone use? I have very irregular periods( my period days between my periods can range from 17,18,20,24,27,28, days apart) every ovation protectors that I have seen says not to use them if you have irregular periods so which ones should I use. Or which ones have the best results as well. please let me know thanks.


  • I use the clear blue easy digital test. It gives you a simley face whe you are having the LH surge. I found this test very easy to use and understand. I find the tests with the lines very confusing. I hope this helps.
  • Thank you I think that I may use it but I have to make sure that I can clear blue first by asking the pharmacist or my doctor because it cost so much.
  • I used two different kinds. Clearblue was one and First Response was the other. I never got a positive with the FR but the Clearblue I had nothing and then bam smiley face. I checked the FR at the same time and it said no. I hope this helps.
  • I had used regular cvs kit and clearblue easy.
    Had my iui done twice .
    no luck.
    so am now switching to use the following.
    I am using muliple forms to zoom in on this ovulation which is very evasive .
    1. Get basal body temp first thing in the morning.(temp goes up when you are ovulating)
    2.Got a fertility scope which will tell you the days you will be fertile.(you get this in deurne reade. explanation is your saliva gets salty when you are about to ovulate and you can see it in the scope.good thing about this is it is reusable and don't have to buy it again and again.
    3.if you are fertile then use the clear blue.I noticed that in the last cycle i used the clear blue at different times . morning afternoon night(as days got closer).
    at 8 am I saw the surge.since the iui was scheduled the next day .the appt was at 10.30 am the following day. i wonder if that is the reason i missed getting it.

    I heard when you are ovulating you get cramps. is it true?
    the iui needs to be done before you get the cramps else one has missed it.
    i suspect that was what happened in my case.
  • thanks for all your help
  • I am so confused. I am planning IUI performed in an RE's office. The nurse there told me to use the Clear Blue Easy tests with the lines, not to test my first urine of the day but to use my second urine of the day, and that even though the directions say the surge line has to be as dark or darker than the reference line, she said that it's positive if the surge line is 50% as dark as the reference line. I am staring at these lines, tilting the stick back and forth, looking in all different kinds of light. I don't know if I am going to be able to tell when the surge line is dark enough! The rationale is that when some women have their surge, their LH level peaks below the threshold that the kits test. If that's my case, I don't think using the test with the smiley face will help me either. Today I bought the CVS brand of test just to see how theirs works but I think I'll have the same problem. And not I'm even more confused because the directions in that box say different things about what time of day to take the test. Has anyone else heard of this 50% rule? Anyone have any suggestions or tips?
  • When I first started I used the First Response and had great results.. as I get further along in my qwest I find myself more like Murphy Brown in my doubts and end up using the smily face one with the Clear Blue as the blue lines are hard to determine.. more to do with doubt then experience. This month I am planning on going back to old school and doing the First Response. I was also told to do first thing in the morning, then I was told second time in the day but always at the same time..

    I hope this helps.. I have been successful a few times over I am just really nervous this time around..

    hope this helps..
  • I like the clear blue easy smiley face one the best. Its ethier a smiley face or a circle with nothing in it. No room for confusing lines and seeing or not seeing lines. I like easy and simple :):)
    Thats just my input :)
  • i finlly found one i liked and hope to see the color change. now just waiting for my af to start so i can start charting on my day nine. thamks for for the tips guys
  • Oh, I was just trying the Target brand! I'm in the first month of charting and didn't get anything, but I think I started too late. Thanks for these tips!
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