Hunter Benjamin

Hey all...

Just wanted to let you know I delivered a healthy baby boy on Sept 27 at 9 27 pm. I had an emergency C Section and he was born about 7 weeks early. He is in the NICU but doing great for the most part. He weighs about 1550 grams (about 3 lbs and 6 ounces). Thanks for all the great support from my friends on the board. I will keep you up to date about his progress.

Good luck to my friends that are pregnant and the ones trying to get pregnant. You are all in my thoughts.


  • Congratulations and prayers for a quick hospital stay.
  • Congrats!!! That's great news. Hope you and the baby continue to do well:)
  • congrats Anissa !!! ...awww such a cute name i love the name Hunter :) ....and i want you to know i have completely followed your advice on acupuncture and have my second session tommorow and plan on at least once a week and 2x's a week when i can...thanks for your advice and again congrats !!!
  • AnissaS, congrats! Hope he is doing well! What donor did you end up selecting? You had posted inquiry about 11444 quite a while back. Did you use that donor?
  • Jlynn no I did not use 11444 I used 11627 I think. Cannot remember off the top of my head. Lack of sleep from pumping and running back and forth to the hospital.

    He is doing well.

    metsfan good luck on the acupuncture. I love it and still continue to go. My acupuncturist is wicked awesome.

    Austingurl... You will be there soon. How are you feeling? If they think the twins are coming early have them give you a tour of the NICU. I wish I had, would have eased my issues. But I looked at it this way Hunter is in the best possible care that I can imagine.

    He is breast feeding, taking a bottle, sleeping for many hours at a time and is doing well for the most part. Set backs here and there but nothing major.
  • So glad you two are doing well! Hoping he can go home with you soon!
  • I am so happy that he is doing well. Hopefully you get to take him home soon and you can both settle into a routine.

    I am feeling okay...just so tired. No matter how much I sleep, I am still exhausted. I had my appointment with the specialist today. It went well. Both babies are growing and are on target. One is a little smaller than the other, but my dr is not worried and said that is common. My sonographer said she "thinks" baby A is a boy. I about had a heart attack because my OB swears Baby A is a girl. Then she pointed out that since they are different offices, they might have the babies labeled different, so it might be a boy/girl set. She was not certain of the boy status though. And Baby B had it's legs closed, so who knows??? Apparently my babies are determined to drive me crazy before they ever arrive:) I see my OB Monday, and I think I am just going to camp out in his office until both babies are seen completely and I am confident of their sex. I don't want to wait an entire month again. I am way too impatient for that.
  • Austin

    Did you find out what you are having yet? Just a couple of thoughts, do not go crazy in what you buy as of yet. I know you want to be prepared but you don't know when they are coming or the size. they may be big or small or they could be in the NICU if they come early. I did not buy anything till today (okay clothes for him a couple of weeks ago once they told me I could dress him). I am glad I did not buy anything else since I am buying all the stuff he used in the NICU since that is what he is use to. I will change the stuff slowly, going to be hard enough for him to adjust to the new environment so won't change everything yet. They want him to remain on what they use since it will keep him happy. I am hoping he can come home soon, no clue but still hoping.

    Let me know how you are feeling.
  • I still don't know. My OB said he thought both are boys. He is very confident that one is a boy and pretty certain on #2. One of the issues is that my twins are side by side so they can switch positions, and Baby A and Baby B keep switching. So, from visit to visit, we are having to try to use size to make sure we are looking at the right ones each time and keeping things consistent. I have given up on shopping and focusing on buying Christmas gifts for family now. I go back Nov. 19 and will be 20 weeks, so that is the time that most doctors will predict. Guess we will see what they say during that visit.
    I am most excited because we found out why I was so tired. My bloodwork showed a severe Vitamin D deficiency (I was at 16 and the normal range starts at 30) and slightly low on Vitamin B. I am now taking lots of D and B each day. It has made a huge difference in my energy level. I can make it through the day without a nap and no longer sleep 12 hours at night:) It has helped so much. I feel a ton better.
  • Not sure if I have updated this. Hunter came home on 11/7 and it has been crazy since. I am still trying to get healthy but he is doing amazing. He has gained 4 1/2 pounds since he has been home and the docs are happy with his weight gain. For a premie he is doing things that he should be doing and things he shouldnt be doing. He is correct age of 2 months and should only be doing things a 2 month old does, but does things a 3 month old does. I do not look at what he should do and not do as we all know kids do what they want when they want to. I still do not have a return to work date yet so no clue when I am going back to work.

    I want to thank everyone for their support over the last year and I will continue to lend my support to anyone who needs it. I know what Austin is going through and I feel for her. It is tough but it only makes us stronger.
  • Yay for you and Hunter Benjamin (great name)!!!
  • So glad to hear how well Hunter is doing!
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