So it is day 9 since my IUI and i did took Pregancy test and it was BFN :( , Is it still too early? I wish it is cause it really hurts. I might try again in a couple of days and see what happened. Hoping for a BFP. Baby dust to all!


  • Yes it is too early. Remember the HCG is released once the fertilized egg attaches to your uterus. This happens between day 10 to 14.
    Also if you read the box of pregnancy test it says when you test 5 days before your preriod, it's x% accurate vs, testing it 2 days from your missed period and if you test on the day of your period is when it's 99% accurate. but the accuate part is if you are pregnant. If you still have a negative on your 14th day and no period you might be pregnant, but that your HCG hormone is not high enough to test. My friend tested 1 week after her period and she had a negative. She had morning sickness for for over a month, until she went to doctor thinking she had food poisoning. The doctor asked her, Can you be expecting and she said, no because she took a home test and OH boy She was Big time pregnant.
    Also, if you test with the digital test it needs a higher dose of HCG than the strip one.

    Don't stress and test again on the 10th. The days go by super slow! we are on day 7! on Vday we will know. :D BABY DUST!!!
  • Siciliaflorez19,

    Thank you for your response. I really hope for BFP im going try again in a couple of days. I am schedule for bloodwork on the 10th so hoping for good result.

    Goodluck to us and baby dust to you.
  • I didn't get mine until 11dpiui and that was faint.. 12 days it was dark! I tested everyday lol good luck!!
  • I tested again 12dpiui today and it is still negative. No symptosm either so i'm losing hope for this cycle. I guess just move on to the next cycle and hope for the BFP. Baby dust to all of you. ;(

    Congrats spn11914.
  • Hmp26,

    We tested on day 14 and got a BFN but tested again on day 16 and got a BFP. Anything can happen. Just try to be as stress free as possible and let your body do the work. Also, there is something to be said for switching donors after 3 tries. Have you reached this point? Our doctor explained that chemically sometimes egg and sperm just don't mix on that level.

    K & K