How many vials to use for ICI?
Posts: 19
Hi all! I just began trying this past week, but in doing so I realized that I probably didn't order enough vials. I only used one per insemination, and I chose to use Instead Cups in lieu of a syringe so as not to lose any of the vial contents - the vials are much smaller than what I had imagined.
How many vials would you all recommend I use for next month (assuming I do not become pregnant this first month of trying)? I inseminated one day earlier than my LH surge because I was nervous and had the vials delivered a week out - in hind-sight that was too early because I wound up having to use them before my LH surge (albeit only by one day). I have read though that sperm can live for up to five days, so I maintain a small degree of hope even for this month. The vials are very expensive so I want to make the most out of my next insemination and truly appreciate any and all advice.
Positive thoughts and best wishes to all along your journey.
How many vials would you all recommend I use for next month (assuming I do not become pregnant this first month of trying)? I inseminated one day earlier than my LH surge because I was nervous and had the vials delivered a week out - in hind-sight that was too early because I wound up having to use them before my LH surge (albeit only by one day). I have read though that sperm can live for up to five days, so I maintain a small degree of hope even for this month. The vials are very expensive so I want to make the most out of my next insemination and truly appreciate any and all advice.
Positive thoughts and best wishes to all along your journey.
Fresh sperm can survive upwards of 72 hours, however, frozen sperm live closer to 24 hours. An IUI with a physician (assuming timing is perfect in both cases) will yield about a 5-10% increase in the odds of success.
One vial is enough for an ICI if the timing is right. Some physicians recommend two separate insemintions spaced out by about 24 hours to optimize the window of opportunity if you are not sure of the timing. However, your overall chances of success in using two vials are better in two consecutive cycles rather than using both on one.
Good luck!
Thank you in advance for your response.
Assuming your cycles are regular and you are confident in the timing, one vial is enough. You are better off saving the money for a new cycle next month if necessary.
Good luck,