to kaylababy
Posts: 329
good luck with your ultrasound tomorrow!!!
I go in on Wednesday night for the ultrasound. Not feeling too nervous about it. I had blood drawn again today and my numbers are looking "excellent" according to the nurse that called. So that calmed my nerves for the time being. I'm sure I'll wake up nervous tomorrow.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you on Wednesday. Sending lots of baby dust your way!!
Hope you're keeping busy in the TWW. I know it's crazy to say but try not too think about it too much. I always tend to not get my hopes up b/c I knew the disappointment would be that much worse. Actually this last time I spent the TWW planning to start training for a 1/2 marathon b/c I was convinced it didn't work. This was almost definitely going to be my last try if it was unsuccessful. No 1/2 marathon for me this spring!!
When is the two weeks up?
SOOOO happy things are well with you! I can't wait to be able to share good news of my own!
btw, I wouldn't know what a fetal pole is either....when I read that, I first that the spine LOL.