TWW 7/12...anyone else???

Hi all...

Just curious if anyone else out there is in their TWW. I had my first IUI yesterday. Just looking for someone to talk to that is going through this as well!

Thanks and good luck to all!


  • Hi friendshipdidi, I am in my TWW. I also had my first IVF yesterday!
    What donor did you use?:)

    Good luck to you!
  • Hi ArielF!

    Good luck to you too! This is going to be a long two weeks!!!

    I used donor 13450. He doesn't have any reported pregnancies yet but I'm still very hopeful. Which donor did you use? It was very difficult to make a final choice. I went back and forth quite a bit.

    How are you feeling? I'm feeling like it's any other I keep waiting for some kind of "sign." I know I shouldn't but it's hard not to.
  • My two week wait begins Monday. It is my third IUI. All with donor 13426. It is interesting friendshipdidi that you went with your donor because he was my second choice. I went back and forth between the two quite a bit. Who were you also contemplating? ArielF who is your donor?
  • How is everyone doing? Started my 2ww today.
  • Hi Sweettheartt!

    I am feeling ok. I'm not having any "symptoms" as far as what I have read or heard about. I just don't feel like myself. I feel like I'm tired and every now and then feel a "cramp" or something on my right side. And my back hurts more than normal. I'm not sure if these are new feelings or if I am just more tuned in to what I am feeling.

    I am trying really hard not to stress about it but it's hard not to think about it. I've thought about using a HPT but know I should just wait till AF is due to arrive which would be Saturday. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed.

    What donor did you end up using? Is it your first try? Good luck!!! I hope your TWW goes by quickly and I wish you best of luck!

  • Hi ladies. I started my 2ww on the 17th. It's my 4 IUI. I've been pregnant pretty easily but miscarry just as easy. I just found out I'm a carrier of a chromosomal disorder which is the reason for the miscarriages. But I am trying to be hopeful that I will be pregnant this time around and it actually sticks this time.

    Didi, it's so tempting to test and so hard to fight that temptation. Of course every time I tested early I would get so discouraged and mad at myself. It's so much better if you can be strong enough not to do it. This coming from someone who is not that strong...
  • Hey everyone! I started my TWW on the 15th with my 1st IUI. Seems like this will be the longest two weeks ever. Good luck ladies!!
  • Any updates out there?

    I got my BFN yesterday when AF decided to arrive three days late. I was really hopeful and swore I could feel symptoms. I guess it was all in my head. This is definitely more of an emotional roller coaster than I was expecting. I guess I thought because of my age and my famiky history that I would get pregnant on the first try. Boy was I wrong. I'll try again next cycle with the same donor.

    Good luck to all the others out there.
  • I'm so sorry for your BFN Friendship. It doesn't matter if it's the first or the 5th, it's really hard to get a negative. Hang in there and keep trying! I'm planning on poas in the morning and I'm terrified to even look at it. I want this so badly and this is a really big cycle for me. Good luck on the next cycle!
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