IUI didn't work :(

Can anyone help me? I had natural IUI 1/2. LH Surge 12/31. Had prog b/w 1/7 and dr called last night saying I never O'd (prog = 0.2). She wants me to do Clomid with injection next cycle, but I really wanted to try natural. Is there any hope for me to try again naturally? Can you surge but then not O, and can that happen every month or was it some random fluke? I had what I hoped was implantation cramping yesterday. But now I'm thinking maybe that was my real O day. So I poas this morning and only a faint line. Is there a better way to monitor pending ovulation other than opk before and prog b/w after?

I'm really REALLY nervous about Clomid and long-term side effects for me and my future baby. Any help is so appreciated!!!! I'm really down in the dumps.


  • I checked ovulation many times during the day. I also watched my cervical mucus. If you read all the documentation that comes with it, the best urine is usually between 9 - 10 am and not the first pee in the am. As I was getting closer to my ovulation date I checked several times a day. I also thought that I missed my surge due to the fact that my cycle was always 21 days and I ovulated on day 10 the month I got pregnant was day 15. I now have a healthy son who is 3 1/2 months. Good luck. I cannot think of which ovulation predictor I used, but I spent the money, the one I had is with the smiley face. That way I knew I was getting ready to surge. Good luck and do not get frustrated. It is easy to do but you never know when it will take.
  • Thanks for the advice. I've got the cheapies plus the smileys for when it gets close. The problem the past two months has been, on CD 16/17 I am SO CLOSE to a +opk but never actually get the smiley. So I dumbly assumed it meant I was going to O anyway, but now with the prog level 5dpiui I'm thinking that I don't actually ever get a +opk, and my surge isn't hitting a peak at all, so it's taking my body until CD23 to push out the egg. Is that even possible or am I just making things up now?? Lol my cycle is pretty consistent at 28-29 days, so if I'm actually not o'ing until CD23, from everything I've read I must have a luteal phase defect because how on earth would I keep a pregnancy anyway if AF comes 5-6 days after conception? Not nearly enough time to implant. So now I'm re-thinking Clomid plus timed injection, in order to increase my luteal phase, but I'm so confused with all this I really have no idea what's the right choice anymore!!! Thanks for listening to my rambling, and for any insight on this roller coaster of a ride! And congrats on your bouncing baby boy, that is so wonderful!!!!!
  • Mumsy

    I never did meds, so I would talk to the doc. I also thought about using the cheapies but did not. I guess I wanted it to much so the money was second nature. I paid and got pregnant ike on the 1st try about 15K in medical bills last year. Remember depending on what you make it is all tax deductible in a sense, mileage, sperm, insemination, what the helath insurance company does not pay for. Etc. Keep track and talk to a good tax prepare.

    Also my cycle was consistent except that month I got pregnant, if you know what I mean. I was a 21 day girl and the month I got pregnant I ovulated on day 14 or 15 I think. I can go back and look. Just focus on the goal and relax.
  • Mummy - I did natural my first cycle and then went to meds. I figured I might as well do everything possible to help, but that was my personal choice.
  • Meds are good to be honest. They are a bit pricey but generic Chlomid is cheap. Injectables will increase the likelihood of pregnancy but I guess it depends on how much money you're willing to spend. Your RE's nurse will give you a short class on adminstering injections, they're not a huge deal. Most RE's prefer injectables too.... they do tend to produce bigger and better follicles and the trigger shot will make you ovulate. My friend got pregnant at 38 on a natural cycle, first IUI so it does happen but seems that most of us gals need a little help.
  • My insurance does not cover anything to do with the procedures, but DOES cover medications so you may want to check into that. Clomid had bad side effects on me, so I only did those once then moved to injectables. The idea of injecting everyday was terrifying to me but it is honestly not bad at all. The worst part is the lead up to that first injection...then you realize "wow, that didn't hurt" and it's all smooth sailing after that.
  • Yes, you can definitely surge and not ovulate. There simply may not be an egg ready to come out. Clomid increases the chance one or more follicles may be stimulated during your cycle to release an egg. I am just starting out, but have read a ton of research. I haven't heard of anything negative about Clomid and am taking it myself because I am not regularly ovulating (although my cycles are spot on). You could still ovulate in any given cycle. Just because you didn't ovulate this time, doesn't mean you won't ovulate naturally the next cycle. So, if you really want to try naturally, you could go for a few more cycles and see what happens. However, given how cheap and easy Clomid is, you may want to consider using it. Natural is all fine and good, but sometimes nature needs a little push. :)
  • Thanks everyone, for all your kind words of support! You are so great!! After lots of contemplating, and shedding a few tears, I decided to go all in this cycle! So I had my initial u/s yesterday, and was put on 50mg Clomid (two 50mg pills a day from Day 4-8 -- so is that really 100mg Clomid I guess?) and then I go in for a second u/s next Monday (CD11) to check on the follie progress. Assuming all is well, I'll inject myself with Ovidrel and have the IUI two days after the shot. So it's in full swing!! Everyone if you can, spray as much baby dust my way as you can spare!!! And thanks again for listening.

    Oh, and back to the drawing board on a donor. The donor I chose for my first try is all dried up I guess!
  • TONS of baby dust to you!! The worst part of the injections is waiting to do them....it made me so nervous but it was no big deal at all.
  • That's good to know cuz I'm petrified!! I've already googled it and watched how-to videos on it lol - so so so hoping it works this time!!
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