IUI didn't work :(
Posts: 11
Can anyone help me? I had natural IUI 1/2. LH Surge 12/31. Had prog b/w 1/7 and dr called last night saying I never O'd (prog = 0.2). She wants me to do Clomid with injection next cycle, but I really wanted to try natural. Is there any hope for me to try again naturally? Can you surge but then not O, and can that happen every month or was it some random fluke? I had what I hoped was implantation cramping yesterday. But now I'm thinking maybe that was my real O day. So I poas this morning and only a faint line. Is there a better way to monitor pending ovulation other than opk before and prog b/w after?
I'm really REALLY nervous about Clomid and long-term side effects for me and my future baby. Any help is so appreciated!!!! I'm really down in the dumps.
I'm really REALLY nervous about Clomid and long-term side effects for me and my future baby. Any help is so appreciated!!!! I'm really down in the dumps.
I never did meds, so I would talk to the doc. I also thought about using the cheapies but did not. I guess I wanted it to much so the money was second nature. I paid and got pregnant ike on the 1st try about 15K in medical bills last year. Remember depending on what you make it is all tax deductible in a sense, mileage, sperm, insemination, what the helath insurance company does not pay for. Etc. Keep track and talk to a good tax prepare.
Also my cycle was consistent except that month I got pregnant, if you know what I mean. I was a 21 day girl and the month I got pregnant I ovulated on day 14 or 15 I think. I can go back and look. Just focus on the goal and relax.
Oh, and back to the drawing board on a donor. The donor I chose for my first try is all dried up I guess!