
Did anyone know thier FSH levels/bloodwork before doing this?

I am in my upper 30s and decided Im going to try and have a child while I still can. I hope I did not wait too long but have been single for a long time and I am no longer searching for Mr Right. I did get some blood work done and Im seeing a RE that I like.My bloodwork came back normal, FSH is just under 10, which is slightly elevated but he says that is no problem. Everything else is normal.. I just got off the pill, and Im getting a sonohistogram on a small fibroid next week and if I dont need surgery, Im going to do the IUI. I am thinking I'll go ahead and do Chlomid, though it may not be necesssary. Of course, my insurance covers NO fertility whatsoever, so I am really hoping for success by the 2nd or 3rd time. I am nervous and hoping this succeeds. I dont have a bf right now, but I may need one if the IUI doesnt work. I was kind of looking for a healthy male to donate and I would do the in home insemination, but it is tougher than you think to find someone willing to donate! I am exploring my options. I am also taking note of donors who have produced pregnancies. Nice meeting you all-


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    Hi Misskris, I too am about to have my 1st IUI in early Nov. I am in the exact situation as yourself although I am 40 and don't have any issues with my fertility testing. The FSH is fine under 10 and I also had a hysterosalpingogram to check the patency of my tubes. All went well. I am going to try Clomid only because I think it won't hurt to maximize the chances. Yes, my doc is doing back to back inseminations and I chose an open donor so the price....approx $3000/cycle. No insurance help at all. You can call CCB and get more info on your donor regarding pregnancies but people aren't required to document live births. Keep me posted. Where are you from? I'm in Boston.

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    Hi Jen-

    I am in AZ... I cannot believe how expensive sperm is- you can buy crack cheaper! My RE's nurse needs to get back with me and give me some info on the prices of the sperm they have left over from past inseminations. I looked up a couple of the donors and one or two will work out. I get annoyed waiting for call backs. I am getting a second opinion from another RE next week,, my insurance will pay for one consult, and thats it so I will have him review my Bloodwork and talk to him more. I woulod have done this sooner if I would have known I was going to do the artificial insemination route. I am going to post a message asking for anyone else in AZ, and see if they have any sperm vials theyre selling. Nice meeting you and I will post my progress on here.
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    I am 39 and just had my first IUI 8 days ago. I did get my bloodwork done and an HSG as required by the fertility clinic before I did the IUI. My bloodwork all came back great. My FSH was 6.4. The doctor did tell me to start ASAP because of my age, so I went ahead with the IUI the same month I did my tests. I decided to try IUI the natural way first, because its cheaper. My insurance doesn't cover any of this but I have been saving for "Plan B" (single motherhood) for a long time. The donor sperm ended up being $700 with shipping and the procedure was $275.
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    Youre 39 and your FSH is 6.4?? That sounds really low. wow. Most of us above 35 have atleast an 8.0. And your IUI was $275??? Again, unheard of. My RE charges $820 each attempt and that includes the ultrasound, insemination, sperm washing, and a trigger shot. Other ones Ive called charge around the same price, I am in AZ. Does your fee include all of the prep and u/s?
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    Yes, here in Boston, my RE charges $716 for a back to back insemination, 2 vials of sperm for $645 each and the hosp where my RE's office is charges $1066 for a lovely total of...oh....over $3000 per cycle!! You are all pretty lucky. Anyway, I wish us all much luck and pray for a 1st try pregnancy. By the way, I'm 40 and fsh was 9.4. Also, where can I find all of the CCB abbreviations? They are making me crazy! Does anybody feel the same?

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    The $275 was just for the insemination. I didn't use a trigger shot or any medications for this first try and I don't know about the sperm washing part. I did have to buy progesterone suppositories and the prescription for that was $117. Yes, I was told my FSH was 6.4 and that was good, but I have not really researched it. They just told me under 10 is good. I don't have fertility issues that I am aware of, I just don't have a man!
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