

I've only just made an appointment with a specialist and I'm very excited about taking the first steps on this journey! I'm healthy and do not have any reason to believe I'll have problems becoming pregnant. I've been reading lots of posts here and there aren't many that discuss those first appointments etc. I'm hoping for some insite from anyone who can tell me what I should expect during that first appointment. An exam, bloodwork and consultation is what I imagine will take place. Some posts mention tests. What kind of tests do they run? How long will I have to wait before I get these test results? Will I be able to try my first IUI on my very next cycle? I'm excited and nervous at the same time! Any answers would be greatly appreciated!!! :)


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    Hi MGALBN,

    This is my experience. My visit with the doctor's office just happened to be on day 3 of my cycle, which meant that they could do my ultrasound and some blood tests that needed to be done, including my FSH, estradiol and I honestly don't remember what the other(s) were. I also took a pregnancy test (urine). I met with the doctor and we discussed my case. I was referred to an RE because I am forty and had huge uterine fibroids that had started to cause issues with my body. My OB/GYN said it was time to have kids, I couldn't wait anymore. The tests that were taken on day 3 at the doctor's office, I got the results the very next day. I had to go to a different lab for other blood tests. It wasn't the same day, but I believe it was like a week or so later. They did genetic tests, HIV, STDs, AMH and other pertinent tests at the lab. Those took less than a week to come back. I then went in for an HSG and an SIS on two different days, after I stopped bleeding and before I ovulated. I was not able to try IUI on my next cycle because the HSG revealed blocked tubes due to the fibroids and I needed to have the fibroids removed. But, depending on your case and your health, it is conceivable for you to start your first IUI on the next cycle. I know my doctor said that I could try on the next if it weren't for needing the surgery. I lucked out too because I was able to time my first visit on day 3 of my cycle. So I got those preliminary tests taken care of on my first visit. Hope this helps.
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    Thanks so much for your response CMGENTRYB! My appointment isn't till Jan 28th but Im HOPING to try my first attempt in February's cycle. I just turned 35 but I'd really like to get the ball rolling to possibly have a second child before I'm 40, God willing. Do you have your surgery scheduled? Is it a minor out-patient kind of thing or more complex than that?

    Thanks again!
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    Hi MGalbn,

    You're quite welcome. I pray that everything goes well for your first appt. on the 28th. Sounds like you're still at a very good age!! :-) Keep me posted.

    I had the surgery in September and it was major. They removed 27 fibroids and I even had to have a blood transfusion. I had to wait three months until I could try. Well, I had my first inseminations this past Friday and Saturday, back to back IUIs. I am now in the beginning of my two-week wait. Thinking positive and just waiting for my BFP.

    By the way, sometimes I may post as jaydonsmom. Long story as to why I have two accounts, but in case you see a post, you will know I'm the same person.
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    Hi, I had to have a One fibroid removed just this past Christmas break.. The doctor told me the same thing I have to wait 12 weeks. You know in my mind before the surgery i was thinking six weeks... But I am definitely learning patients.. March will be my start time 1st day of period to go in and do the medicine and every thing...after that Wonder what kind of medicine he is going to put me on...I was on Clomid last year for three months trying it the old fashion way did not work...Turning 40 this year 2011.
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    Hi Ladyjazz,

    Welcome to the fibroid club. :-) You and I are close to the same age. I'm 40 now. Will be 41 this year. Like you, I am learning patience. The inseminations did not work for me on that first try. But, I'm not giving up hope. I'm going to try again soon. By the time I try again, I will be 5 months post operation. My uterus will have had even more time to heal. Because my surgery was so invasive, I think I need that extra time to heal!! :-)

    I did a medicated cycle with Clomid and Gonal F last time. I'm trying to decide whether I would like to try a natural cycle instead. I have time to make that decision. :-)

    Here's to us getting pregnant within the next couple months!!
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    I'm new here too! :o)

    I am now 40y and decided to seek the donor route. I live in South Florida and went to Palm Beach Fertility Center (Dr. Denker).

    I had my appointment 2 days ago with him (Reproduction endocrinologist- RE). In preparation for the appt I had my recent medical records from my GYN sent to him. I had recently had a pap, as well as blood work (e.g., prolactin, TSH, etc) so those records were faxed over. The RE had forms online that went into great detail regarding my personal and family medical history- so I sent those over to his office before the appointment as well.

    I liked the RE right away- he was very personable, compassionate, knowledgable and had a good sense of humor. (Personality of a doc is highly important to me- I have to feel comfortable)

    Anyway- Here is how it went. We spent about 15 mins discussing my medical history, the records, and what I wanted (donor situation).

    He took me into the Ult S room and personally performed a transvaginal ultrasound. I was on cd8. He told me he saw no fibroids or cysts. He showed me that there was an egg --"ready" in the ovary. It was a bit funny seeing this large white slightly oval form on the big screen. He told me that I am on cd8, however "your body is responding as though it is mid cycle." He told me that I am ovulating early, etc. This is something he commonly sees with patient's my age he said. I asked will this pose a problem. He told me he needs other tests (which he ordered) before he can truly comment on my fertility status. (It is truly difficult for me to wait to know for sure, but I have no choice).

    He told me his protocol is to order several tests FSH, LH, estro, etc... as well as the test to view my fallopian tubes. All of this is done based upon the specific day of my next cycle.

    He told me he works with only 3 sperm banks, however strongly suggested I use Calif (this one). He said I should make a decision regarding the donor soon, as he would like to perform the insemination in March (IF all the test turn out fine and I don't require any interventions for anything).

    He left by saying, "Ok Jaime.... let's get moving on everything so you can have that beautiful little baby!"

    I nearly melted with excitement!!

    My visit was great and I hope you feel the same when you have yours!!

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    I'm so excited! My first RE appt is tomorrow! I pray that everything goes well!!!!
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    MGALBN good am!

    Good Luck! Let it be a blessed weekend for all of us. Only good news!
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    Hi MGALBN,

    I'm hoping everything goes well with your appointment today!!!!
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    Everything went great! I was nervous that there might be something unknown that was wrong with my easy bake oven since I haven't been to the dr in a looong time but my RE used the word "great" when I asked how'd everythin look in there! I had an egg that was getting ready to go and both ovaries are just chuck full of 'em! :) I've got my scripts and now I'm just waiting for my next day 1!!! Finishing up on choosing a donor...got 'em down to my top 3!!!
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    Great!!!! Here's to open you have a bun in the oven real soon!!
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    First appt - Check! Scripts filled - Check! Donor chosen - Check! Vials ordered - Check!

    So excited I'm gonna explode? CHECK! CHECK! CHECK!
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    LOL!!! I feel you!!! I'm gonna explode for you! :-)
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    Checking the FedEx # 3 times a day - Check! LOL I've named my donor "Manny" so I don't refer to him as just a number, he's more important than that LOL! Never in my life have I been so impatient to start my period! I just want to start counting, Manny's on his way!!!!
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    Oh, and JaimeM... stay out of the ocean! I saw that huge school of migrating sharks just off the coast of Palm Beach on the internet!!!!
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