

Will you please tell me how many pregnancies and live births donor 13985 has had?


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    Hi B-

    We can share if a donor has more or less than 5 reported pregnancies and if we've received birth reports.

    Donor 13985 currently has less than 5 reported pregnancies. We haven't received any birth reports yet, but most births are expected later this year.

    Please note that reported pregnancies and births have no bearing on your personal chance of success. Most often they are linked to how long a donor has been available and/or the popularity of the donor's characteristics. We offer a diverse selection of over 500 donors and not all donors will sell out as quickly as others.

    All CCB donors go through the same rigorous screening process. Less than 1% of applicants actually become CCB donors! Our donors have specimen quality that's in the top 15-20% of the male population and they are all capable of contributing to a pregnancy. Feel free to watch a short video on our qualification process: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NurCUuZaa1c

    Ultimately, it's most important to choose a donor that's the best fit for you. Your personal chance of success has more to do with type of insemination, use of fertility drugs, cycle monitoring, maternal age, etc. It's important to discuss your insemination plan with your physician to determine the best course of action to achieve pregnancy.

    Best of luck!
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    Hello, i’m considering donor 13985. Do you any updated pregnancy reports?

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    @silverstars Donor 13985 has more than 5 reported pregnancies.


    California Cryobank

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    Thank you! Where can i read more about what the numbers mean?

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    @silverstars Which numbers are you referring to?

    If you're interested in our specimen quality standards and how many sperm are in a vial, you can read this: https://www.cryobank.com/how-it-works/specimen-processing/specimen-information/


    California Cryobank

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    Sorry, i mean what the number of reported pregnancies mean. Trying to get a sense if that is a good number or not. Thx!

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    @silverstars Ah! I suppose it depends on why you're interested in the number of reported pregnancies. If there are 5 or more, there's a greater chance that there may be some families registered on our Sibling Registry. https://www.cryobank.com/services/sibling-registry/

    Reported pregnancies are basically tied to how long a donor has been available and/or the popularity of his characteristics. It's not a success rate for a sperm donor.

    Some clients purchase vials and store them for months or even years before trying an insemination. We ship vials all over the world to women of all different ages. Some may do home inseminations, others may do IVF or use an egg donor. There are so many variables and whether another client achieved pregnancy or not, has no bearing on your personal chance of success. Type of insemination, maternal age, use of fertility drugs, insemination timing, etc. are just some of the variables that contribute to a successful pregnancy. All of our donors go through the same stringent screening process and are capable of achieving pregnancy. Less than 1% of applicants actually become California Cryobank donors: https://d3hwulnyp980el.cloudfront.net/files/cryobankcom/_forms/pdf/brochures/donorpyramid.pdf

    I hope this information helps!


    California Cryobank

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