

9th IUI, 8th BFN....beyond depressed.


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    Awwww, I was really hoping it would work out this month. I am so sorry for you.
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    I am so sorry.
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    Im so sorry.. :( Just read your other post about when to move on to IVF. Just wondering if you have decided what your next move is. Are you trying IUI again? I only ask because Im doing IVF in January & maybe you'd be on the same schedule. So sorry to hear about your BFN. :'(
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    So sorry Jaime. Hang in there!! Everything will work out but is depressing getting BFN!
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    I told my doc last month that I would move onto IVF if this one didn't work. I am meeting with him Tuesday afternoon to figure out the plan, so we will be pretty close jenny....I'll be glad to have someone to go through it with!
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    Hugs to you. But you knew that. I am here any time you need to talk.
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    Thanks Anissa!!
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    Keep your head up I went through 12 before my BFP!!

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    Jaimec -- how did your meeting about IVF go? I meet with the nurse to go over my "calendar" on the 27th. I should start injections on the 31st. IVF should be around January 20.. How are you holding up?
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    Jenny - my meeting went well. I have to be on birth control for a month, start injections on Jan. 4th and first egg retrieval at the end of January. Then I will do the whole thing a second time before having any embryos transferred. I have my calendar and it is a bit overwhelming but I know it will be fine once I start...plus my Jose is awesome and I know I can call or email her with any questions. How are you feeling about starting this?
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    I was just reading this back and no idea why my autocorrect changed "nurse" to "Jose" LOL!!
    Jenny - let me know how your appointment goes.
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    Hey jaimec-

    I know I was MIA for awhile, it's been crazy for me recently. But I was thinking about you all and came to check to see how everyone was.

    I was so sorry to read about how your IUIs have been going, but I am excited for you to start IVF- I hope it takes on the first try!

    Good luck to you and jennyt71!
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    Hi Jaime.. we are almost on the same timeline! My meeting went ok. Kind of overwhelming. A hour seemed long, but SO much paper work and instructions. I took my last bc pill today and my injections started on Monday. SO many meds. My retrieval should be the week of Jan 20. Transfer would be 3-5 days after that. Sorry I havent been on here in a couple weeks. but Im glad to see someone else going through this for the first time too. Im excited, nervous. scared. if that makes any sense.
    best of luck!! My first appt back is Jan 10.

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    I started my injections Friday and my next appointment is next Friday. I am doing back to back retrievals before doing any transfers back in, so that won't be until March or so for me. I'll be anxious to hear your experiences with the procedures. I had some cysts removed, which they said is the same procedure as retrieval...but I chose no anesthesia and they will make me have it for the retrieval, which is fine.
    I am also overwhelmed, excited, nervous and scared so I totally get it.
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    Im delayed a week. Went in today for supression check and have a cyst. :( up'ing the Lupron for a week and going back for another supression check. Really disappointing. Hope your appointment goes better than mine!
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    I am sorry... how old are you may I ask? You've done 9 IUI's?? And only one BFP? Have you thought about switching RE's? What is your estrogen level when you do these IUI's? The higher, the better. I have done 3 IUIs. 2 BFP's already so my new RE thinks that is pretty cool, especially at my age of 39. My last BFP was an IVF converted to an IUI since I didnt respond that well but I also think my last RE over-suppressed me...I have a new RE and I will not do IVF with my own eggs again, Too stressful and I am a cash pay and it sucks when you have no coverage for this. I dont want to spend all the money on meds, the prep, and have do a retrieval and have nothing to work with and be out a bunch of money. I also tend to think older eggs fertilize better inside of you and my new RE thinks we should do another IUI based on my history. He knows my feelings on IVF. Hes putting me on Chlomid and a low dose of injectables. IVF is an emotional and stressful journey. Maybe you'll handle it better than I did. I am assuming you have insurance coverage for this? Good luck!
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    jennyt - I went in yesterday for an ultrasound and all looked good. I start the next 2 injectables tomorrow and go back next Friday. Hang in there!

    KrisAz - I am 35 now, 34 when I started this process. All my estrogen levels have been great, ultrasounds show great eggs and all initial fertility testing came back good. I love my RE so I don't want to switch and my ob/gyn highly recommends him and has sent her sister there. My insurance only covers medications and that is it.
    I can't imagine IVF being more emotional then what I have already been through, so I am ready for it.
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