
Donor 2500 vials

I just found that this donor was retired....is there any way to find out if anyone has vials available?? We spent so much money on ART that we didn't have the extra to buy more vials. I'm now considering another baby and though I don't really have the extra cash, would be willing to find a way to have more of this donor.


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    Hi Texas -

    Other than trying for a reactivation of the donor (which is very expensive since the client has to pay for all the re-testing and possible travel if the donor is no longer in the area on top of the vials, etc.), your best option is to call our Client Services Department and asked to be notified if any vials are sold back to us. They can be reached at 866-927-9622.

    I wish I could be more helpful, but unfortunately once a donor is sold out there is very little we can do.


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    I am also wanting vial from this donor. Can I pay for all of the expenses for the donor if he would be willing to sell me more vials?
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    Hi dp -

    Please contact our Donor Department at 877-366-6780 and ask about reactivating this donor.

    Please note that even if the donor is willing to be reactivated, it is an expensive process and may take a full year to actually receive your vials due to scheduling, testing, and quarantine.

    Good luck,

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