
new to this

we are new to all of this. We have first appt with RE doc on Thursday. We are considering door sperm cause hubby had vasectomy during first marriage. I have no fertility problems. We are trying to decide between IVF and IUI. But we are leaning toward IUI with donor sperm. I dont really know how this process goes. Can anyone give me an idea what to expect?


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    My RE started off with a 45 minute consultation- it included a detailed explanation of the IUI procedure with pictures. He went over my chart from my regular doctor with me, discussed the sperm center his office uses and what to do if I wanted to use another center, and answered all my questions- which is probably why it took so long. He then did a pelvic exam. I took blood tests to make sure everything was ok- blood type, STD's, etc.
    After my test came back normal I went back to discuss my options for a donor. I received a packet and LH surge instructions. I did natural IUI with no meds- he wanted to try twice with no meds before going that route.

    Every doctor and every experience is different.
    Ask a lot of questions- you'll want to know if they are open weekends in case you ovulate on the weekend. I'm sure others will cover what I miss.

    Congrats and Blessings on your journey!
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    Were you sucessful at the IUI treatments? Thank you so much for your info!!! All of this is a whole new world to us. We think we have made a final decision on the donor so we will see how our appt goes!
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    I had my first IUI April 11th. I am now almost 3 weeks pregnant! Had my first blood test Monday to confirm and will go Friday to make sure my HCG and Progesterone levels are increasing.

    It's been great and I am happy I finally did it.
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    We went to RE today and everything looked good clear tubes and uterus looks great!!!!! We go back tomorrow to meet the actual doc we will be using. The doc we saw today said the plan would be to do two medicine free cycles and see how that goes then we will discuss low dose med cycles and such from there. We have decided to use donor 5575!!! And as soon as we get the ok we will be placing order. Looks like we will be starting first cycle next month!! I will post again as soon as we know something.
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    Good Luck!
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    Hi vic75,
    We are using donor 5575 too!! Our first IUI will be next month too!!
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    went to doc again today and everything is a go for my next cycle!!! looks like we will do IUI late may yearly june!!!!
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    we just placed our first order for donor 5575 !!! We are super excited!!!!!!!
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    Hi Vic
    Congrats on the order! I'm just curious how many vials you guys bought?? I'm never sure how many you are supposed to buy
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    we only ordered one vial. Doc said we only needed one vial at a time. Dont really know why if it doesnt work on first cycle I may buy more than one at a time. Have y'all ordered yet?
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    You can order as many as you like... but discuss the storage options. CCB gives you a month free before you have to pay the storage fees but I chose to have all my vials shipped to my RE's office and stored here in case I need more than one... it's 120.00 for six months. Plus the shipping (from CCB)and storage (at your RE's) is the same whether you have one vial or twelve.

    Just remember that CCB's buy back program is valid ONLY if the vials stay in their control.
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    hello vic 75
    your not doing back 2 back iui ?with my first iui my doc had me go in on a friday and back on saturday.so i had 2 purchase 2 vials @ a time.I think it was for the best, more of a chance to get pregnant.I did 4 cycles of iui and 2 of Ivf with FCI,( now im going to UIC).I did get pregnant with my last cycle it was supposed 2 be an ivf but i did not have enough follicles, so we turned it into an iui and it worked.but unfortunately it was an ectopic pregnancy and we lost it.so now i only have one tube which makes it harder,2 get pregnant.but im just waiting 4 my next cycle so i can do IVF again,hopefully it will work.I wish you the best..
    p.s I think its best if you buy more then 1 vial cause you will never know it can sell out.it happend 2 me before and it can be really stressful 2 look for a new 1..
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    Ok so I think I am losing my mind. The way I figured it I should have started my cycle between may 18th to may 20th. Going back to when I started last month being April 22. So now I'm left to wonder why my cycle is late. I was very much looking forward to it coming for once in my life. So we could get everything rolling for our IUI in early June. Well I just dont know what to think. I know the possibility of actually getting pregnant on our own is ZERO!!! Considering my hubby has had a vasectomy!!! But I am wondering where is my cycle??? Maybe it is just stress about getting this whole thing going?? Any thoughts on this would be well appreciated. Thanks and Baby Dust to everyone who iss TTC!!!
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    I know it is very stressful but you have to remember that you have to be calm and stress free,you cant be stressing before you start your cycles.just take it easy and continue life as it comes,go for long walks with your hubby ,enjoy each other and don't forget DO NOT STRESS YOURSELF!!
    wish you the best and baby dust to you and everyone..
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