

I read all of this stuff about 11541 admitting to drug use, and some other stuff... but I just bought his long profile and audio interview and didn't hear or read anything about that at all. Did I miss something? I don't know if it all really matters, but there are some bulletin board posts out there about drug use and an HIV positive family member... I can't find anything with that info. Help?


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    Hi abby -

    The existing Long Profiles were recently updated to match our new digital format so some information was changed. Yes, he experimented with drugs and alcohol in college. No, he is not an addict.

    There is no truth to the HIV rumor. I don't even know where that came from.

    If you would like to speak to one of our Genetic Counselors, they will be happy to go over his medical and family history with you. The Genetics Department can be reached through Client Services at 866-927-9622 or by email at pcallum@cryobank.com.


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    Thanks Scott! That's kind of what I figured. He's currently 3rd on my list anyway - just ordered the audio interviews for my top 3. Found him kind of dull :) Right now 12144 looks like the winner. Any info on him? No pregnancies reported, right? Do you know why? Just not popular or people just not succeeding?
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    Hi abby -

    12144 has only been available since March, so it is a little early to expect pregnancy reports and impossible to have any births yet.

    If he feels like the one, go for it. You could be the first report!

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