trying to decide between two donors...Advice please
Posts: 52
We are just starting this process. We are choosing to use donor due to hubby having vasectomy during his first marriage after two children. Infertitlity docs are telling us the only way to concieve with his sperm is with IVF w/ TESE. But that is VERY expensive and I have no problems getting prego as I already have four daughters no problems concieving them. So we are trying to decide between two different donors donor 3409, and donor 5575. Honestly I cant choose 3409 has more of my husbands traits brown hair brown eyes, donor 5575 has blue eyes but I also have blue eyes and donor 5575 seems to have better stats in other areas. I have read that 5575 has a good apperance rating. So I am totally undecided which one to use!!!! Any advice?? We have first appt with new fertility doc on Thursday to discuss our options IVF versus IUI. But we have pretty much decided to do IUI with the donor sperm just cant make the choice. Any advice would be very much aprieciated!!!
5575 was a top choice for us too. We went with another because his baby picture looked "familiar" to us. We actually opted not to use this donor because of his family characteristics (mom red hair and green eyes). There is no one in either of our families that have these characteristics.
We went with another one....and the more I reread his profile and look at his picture, the more confident I am about the choice. My husband never cared what the baby looked like. Jokingly, he always said, "As long as the donor is tall." (My husband is only 5'8").
Good luck with your decision....either will be great when you see the end product.
Thanks for your time. My contact info is
I went to the DR. on Friday and he said everything looks good. I will get all of my bloodwork back on Wed.
I saw you joined the CCB Facebook page, I will have to friend you! Sending lots of baby dust your way!
Baby Dust to everyone:)
Everyone is different but usually you see the surge on day 14 after the 1st day if your period. I would start testing around day 12. That's why they typically have you tracking for a couple of cycles to see when you surge. Get the digital clear blue easy ovulation test kit. It's super east and clear to read. You get a smiley face when you are surging or just a circle when u are not. Typically that predicate that your best changes of getting pregnant are over the next 24-36 hours. Good luck!!