
FSH Level 8?

I'm new to this. I am a divorced woman age 37 and I have been contemplating this for 3 years and I know that I am ready to do this.

Tomorrow I should start my cycle. I am like clock work at 28 days give or take a day on occasions. I am 37 and age I know is a factor. my FSH level was at 8 which is high but still in a healthy range I am told. I was told that all tests came back with excellent results except for the FSH level being elevated but within a normal range. The doc viewed my ovaries and was suprised to see only a pin dot sign of aging. He expected more. I know I'm healthy because of my physical and nutritional regimin... Just argh... I want a crystal ball and I want to know the future. LOL!

So now I'm stressing and yeah partly the period and partly the fact that I hate waiting and wondering. I just want to know if anyone has advice or has had success with my dynamics of being healthy but with an FSH level 8 and being older...


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    First of all, according to my RE, clockwork cycles are only a sign that your hormones ebb and flow correctly. It has nothing to do with egg quality because I am exactly the same way. I was bummed.

    My FSH at 36 was 6.6. At 39 it was 9.5 so don't waste time. 8 isn't high; actually I think that is still low enough to be considered for IVF with your own eggs. Just for chitz n giggles I found a new Dr (who finally referred my husband to a urologist after 3 years of misdx post stillbirth of our only child) who is willing to do 6 cycles of femara with DS. We might be beating an infertile horse but we have some insurance coverage and DS-IUI is cheap compared to a DE-IVF. (DH isn't totally sterile but very compromised. We had one IVF cycle when I was 38 with ICSI to overcome his issues. We would use DE because we found a 100% indemnity refund program if you use DE.).

    What did the dr think of your antral follicle count?
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