is older sperm still ok?

Has anyone gotten sperm from CCB that was more than a couple of years old? It appears that the donor I chose - 2496 - is about 38 years old now and donated at the end of 2005. I know the goods are still good for years and years, but I thought that most banks don't take donors who are older than 35 because the swimmers are generally not in the same shape. Any truth to that? I'd hate to order vials of 2496 and find that there's lower motility if I should have chosen a different donor from the start.


  • I wouldn't worry too much about that.I know that there are some men who are 20 who have poor sperm quality/low count and motility and some men who are 40 who have great sperm counts.
    I think so long as the donor meets CCB quality assurance standards , age might not be a determining factor. Also the date on the short and long profile is not indicative of when they began donating necessarily. It only shows when they first filled out the paperwork...he may or not continue to donate specimans for some time following that. I hope this helps.
  • Thanks! This was really helpful. I was just inseminated with 2496 today. The doctor said that this sample had a great count - about 15 million, which is well over what the threshold is. So that was a relief! Now I just don't know how I'll distract myself for the next 2 weeks while I wait for results.
  • My vials are dated July 2004 and I conceived my girl in June 2007. There is no problem with older vials.
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