

Just wondering: are the donor's academic credentials checked in some way in terms of what they claim their grades were, majors, et cetera?
Also, any verification obtained in terms of the health report? I ask because it seems there are quite a few with virtually no medical issues of any kind throughout their families, not even a little arthritis, and this to me seems highly unlikely. Any information in regards to this would be appreciated.


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    Hi Gracas -

    We do varify the donors'enrollment and GPA.

    The family health screening is reviewed by our in-house Genetics Counselors who do an actual interview with the applicant. There is no legal way to actually review family medical records.

    It is the job of our Genetic Counselors, Medical Directors, and Donor Coordinators to assess the accuracy of a donors answers. They interview thousands of applicants per year and are very good at recognizing someone who trying to sound "too healthy". Keep in mind that many of our donors are in their early 20s with parents only in their 40s and early 50s. Many of the health issues generally associated with middle may not have appeared in their immediate familiy.

    Physical exams, STD and genetic testing are all done regardless of how a donor answers the health questionaire. These are the best indicators of a donor applicant's health.

    One of our founders likes to point out to people that he has been married for 40 years, and any client will know more about her donor's medical history than his wife will ever know about him. :-)


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