Posts: 16
Hi everyone!
I am 16dpiui and I have taken 5 tests :) They are all VERY positive. I go in for my Beta in about an hour.
This was our 2nd IUI with new Donor 12952. He has excellent numbers. It was a medicated IUI; with 100mg Clomid, Menapur and 10,000mg HCG Trigger. I noticed he does not have any pregnancies reported so I am happy to say I am the first!
Good luck to all of you! Baby Dust!!!
I am 16dpiui and I have taken 5 tests :) They are all VERY positive. I go in for my Beta in about an hour.
This was our 2nd IUI with new Donor 12952. He has excellent numbers. It was a medicated IUI; with 100mg Clomid, Menapur and 10,000mg HCG Trigger. I noticed he does not have any pregnancies reported so I am happy to say I am the first!
Good luck to all of you! Baby Dust!!!
I was wondering if you would be open to sharing about your baby from 12952? He is at the top of my list and I'd love to hear more!
(minus the - :D)