
IUI tomorrow!

Well tomorrow is the first of back to back IUIs for us this cycle. It is our 2nd attempt. Got the positive opk today and doc wants to do the first IUI & hcg shot tomorrow then the 2nd IUI the next day. Does this seem the right way to do it? We are using frozen donor sperm if that makes a difference. We are hoping that using the 2 samples helps us get the timing right this cycle.


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    We just did our iui, we're in our 2ww.. Our doctor did one day this cycle and said if this one doesn't work then we'll be doing two days back to back. My surge came two days early but the ultrasound we did showed that I had one good sized follicle ready to go. We did the procedure following day.. I have one more week to go -.-
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    Good luck!! We will share part of the TWW. My surge was early this month too and we had to scramble to get the shipment changed. Thankfully they were able to change it today or we'd have to skip this month. Did you have a trigger shot? That really messed with my head last month so hopefully I deal with it better this time around. Keep me posted please :)
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    We had to do the same thing, had to have them do a same day shipment for us. I was going INSANE! We're going to try without any medication for a few rounds.. We have a three year old who I was able to conceive with no problem at all so I'm hoping it'll be that easy this time. My af is usually right on schedule and I'm due for the 12th, hoping it never comes.. I'm gonna start binge testing on Saturday lol I'll definitely let you know, keep me updated as well :)
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    Home from IUI, next one in the morning. I guess I will say my TWW starts tomorrow. How are you holding up with your wait? I did all the binge testing last cycle, but this time I am going to TRY to wait until the blood test since I had HCG & that will make a positive whether this works or not. I hope yours is great news!
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    Still anxious.. Im having a very stressful week at work and having this on my back of my mind is making it a little worse.. ive noticed im quite irritable, definitely hormones.. just wish I knew what direction those hormones were pointing. How did your second iui go today? How are you feeling?
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    Today's was a little less painful than yesterday. Only threatened to kick the doc once :) hopefully your work stress goes away and the moodiness is a good sign. Wishing you guys the best of luck!
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    So within the past day my BBs are so sore and swelling! This has never been a symptom of me getting my period before. I'm small chested to begin with so it's definitely noticeable the change in them, just walking up and down my stairs hurts. I'm starting to drive my wife a little nuts with googling about early signs of pregnancy lol. I've been sifting through these message boards for about three hours now and reading past posts of women's symptoms following up to a BFP. I am feeling hopeful tonight.

    How are you feeling? I didnt experience any pain when my doctor was doing my actual procedure. Him and my wife kept asking me if I was in pain but I had no issue. It wasn't until that night and the following two days where I was cramping like crazy. I thought something was wrong. I called the office in a panic but was reassured that was normal.. AF is due the 12th but 14dpiuj is a day later..
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    Getting excited for you! It's almost time for your great news! So far this time I don't feel any different. Last time I felt like I was 9 months along the entire tww from the hcg. My wife was annoyed bc it was all I talked about. This time I'm not saying as much and now she is the one asking all the time if I feel pregnant. Do you mind if I get nosy? Curious if you two were able to marry in your own state...we had to travel to another state to be married. Hopefully soon it is recognized here. If you don't want to post personal stuff like that on here I definitely understand. :)
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    Hi Guys!

    Looking like our very first IUI is Monday. Did your doc give you anything to take an hour before insemination? I'm supposed to take a klonopin and a Vicodin in order to relax me and prevent the doctor from getting kicked. Any suggestions that have worked for you would be greatly appreciated (by both me and my wife!) Thank you SO much!
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    No they didn't have me take anything. I just had my wife holding one hand and a nurse holding the other and instructing me to breath. they had to use all the 'extra's' each time and it was like labor pains but very short lasting since it only takes a few minutes. I don't mean to scare you. Most women say they don't feel a thing:) Good luck to you guys and I hope you get your positive this first time. Looks like we will share 1/2 of the TWW.
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    We're from NJ and when we got married it still wasnt legal yet so we actually got married in NYC. About 8 months later NJ passed so now our marriage is recognized but I want to get remarried here.. make it official, have a real big wedding with all of our friend's and family.

    Every day I'm reading online about states fighting for it to be passed and I dont understand why it has to be this difficult..

    @Kenzie Ive noticed depending on the area you live in and if youre going through a specialist, everyones process is a little different. I was able to go through my regular obgyn who specializes in fertilization. If you have any questions at all definitely call the office and ask, I know it can seem like youre annoying them. Up until my insemination I was calling the office 3 or 4 times a day to ask them questions and apologizing over and over again for being annoying but the reassured me no question was stupid.
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    We were married in NYC too! Central Park. It would be nice to have more people there, but only my sister and her husband were able to travel with us. We had a great time there and want to go back.
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    Thank you, friends! It is such a relief to find this community.

    Got the smiley face on the ClearBlue test this morning. However, the CVS One-Step Ovulation Predictor is giving me a negative. The uncertainty is killing me. The donor vial arrives tomorrow. Wish I could pop the klonopin and Vicodin now and become lucid after the first trimester has passed. HA.
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    I don't know much about OPKs but the first month we used the kind that gives you 4 days and it just confused me on timing. This month we used the kind that tells you 2 days & i got the smiley monday around 3:30 in the afternoon. I took it again monday night & no smiley, but read on the paperwork that it would be a negative until the LH level raised higher than the 1st + reading. the next morning i got the second smiley and it made sense.
    You think all the uncertainty is stressing now - just wait for the TWW ;) You will spend most of your time on here and googling everything. You can join the unofficial annoy your wife club by focusing only on what might be going on in your body :)
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    So I caved and took a test... Negative :( but I know it's probably still too early. Trying to keep my hopes up..
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    So true, Frankie! To add to the tension: my wife is an ob/gyn. So I've been calling her all day to ask about all my newfound Google "knowledge."

    Wishing you all the best luck, Amanda. Patience sucks!
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    This is the first time I ever heard of getting klonopin and Vicodin before the procedure. The IUI is no big deal I've had it 6 times and gotten pregnant two of them. And by no big deal I really mean it's like nothing. If I took all those drugs if be done for the day.
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    @amanda - wishing you positive thoughts for testing today! It is still early :)
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    @frankie my wife talked me out of testing today.. We decided that if I get a negative today and tomorrow, it might put me in a little of sour mood for Mother's Day tomorrow. I'm trying my hardest to put it off til Monday, my anxiety is definitely increased this weekend though.. I know my af could possibly show it's ugly face within the next couple days. We're taking our son to Coney Island tomorrow so I'm hoping that gives me enough of a distraction.

    How's your tww going??
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    Having some pretty uncomfortable cramps right now.. Implantation maybe?????!

    Lol sorry I'm going a little cooky right now. 3 more days!
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    Happy Mother's Day! Have a great time at Coney Island!
    I am counting today as 5 dpiui and so far this time I have zero symptoms. Nothing. Not even side effects from the hcg shot. I just feel normal. I don't know what to think. At least without the side effects it is easier to sometimes think about other things but it still is there constantly hoping and praying you know?
    @kenzie - is tomorrow still the big day?
    I will be sending good thoughts out for both of you tomorrow:)
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    So, I had a minor breakdown this morning. I woke up early this morning and couldnt fall back to sleep so I figured I might as well test. Came back negative. I dont know why but I let it put me in a bad mood, showed the test to my wife and she reassured me we'd keep trying. I still hadnt gotten my period though. As my morning continued on I started getting uncomfortable cramps again and figured this was it and that AF was on its way.. I locked myself in the bathroom at work and cried.. Im being a little over dramatic about this, I know. Damn Hormones. So I continued on to go and see what business is going on down there.. Big Surprse. Im 95% positive I'm having implantation bleeding. I had the same thing with my first child. Ive been running back and forth to the bathroom and I'm pretty sure my coworkers think there is something wrong with me. This has become an emotional roller coaster for me.
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    I understand what you are going through...I did it last month. When do you have a blood test? Wishing you great results!!! Stay positive!
    As for me, today I am 6/7 dpiui and tested this morning to see if I still had the trigger shot in me since still no symptoms except a little cramping today and of course, the HCG from the shot is still there. I know it is useless to test early after a shot so i will try to hold off til the end of my TWW to test again. I doubt i will wait tho, i really want to see this shot gone and a real positive result show up. Keep smiling and be thankful for everything you have :)
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    Frankie-How did you test for the HGG?
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    I meant HCG. :)
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    Sf13-You just take a HPT. since they test for HCG (same as a real preg) you will be positive from the shot until your body gets rid of the shot (about 1 day per 1000 - so for me 10 days). Then once you test negative you wait for the end of your TWW and hopefully test positive again! It takes time for your body to start showing HCG from a preg since the baby has to implant first to start producing it. It is hard i think to test out the HCG b/c seeing all those positives & then negative is hard emotionally. If I had more self control i would just never test and wait for AF, but in this I have very little self control :) Where are you at in your TWW? I am currently 7/8dpiui (we did 2)
    Amanda-are you doing okay? News?
    Kenzie-do you have any updates?
    Hope everyone is doing well.
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    Thanks for the answer Frankie. I am scheduled for my first IUI at the end of the month and plan on using HCG, so I was kind of curious. This is a big learning curve for sure. Best of luck and I will keep my fingers crossed that all goes well for you.
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    Officially 14dpiui and tested neg this morning. Still having light spotting with no cramping, not typical for my af at all. Called my doc and they scheduled me for bloodwork. I don't know if I've lost this round yet or not :(

    You're half way through this one! Any symptoms or gut feelings?
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    So far basically nothing symptom-wise stands out. Just a little cramping and a tiny bit of spotting yesterday and today.
    Hopefully AF stays away and your blood test gives good news, but if not, next month will be the one and on a positive note the weather is usually better in March than Feb so that is a bonus. Not that it helps or matters just trying to find a positive :) wishing you and your wife the best of luck. Keep me posted okay?
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    IUIs done 05/06/14 & 05/07/14. negative hpt this morning.
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