2ww'ers with 12699 or any others?
Posts: 18
Looking for 2ww'er support. I used 12699 and am praying for good results after my 1st IUI on Friday.
Me: 41, FSH 15, clomid 50mg with 3 follies (20, 20.3, 13.5), uterine lining 9mm and E2 on CD11 1000+.
Good luck to everyone trying!
Looking for 2ww'er support. I used 12699 and am praying for good results after my 1st IUI on Friday.
Me: 41, FSH 15, clomid 50mg with 3 follies (20, 20.3, 13.5), uterine lining 9mm and E2 on CD11 1000+.
Good luck to everyone trying!
I just had my first IUI with donor 13314 this morning so I am a few days behind you!!!
I am praying for good results as well! I feel like things couldn't be much more perfect!!!
Me:25, clomid 50mg with 6 follicles between 14-21, and trigger shot
Good luck to you as well! I look forward to sharing the 2ww with you!
Sending sticky baby dust your way!
I'm here with you all! Had my 1st IUI on Saturday. Used donor 12929.
Me: 37, FSH don't remember, hasn't been checked since April that's why I was put on clomid, 1 follicle this month 18, uterine lining 5.9mm
2dpo wasn't so bad.
God Bless and Baby Dust!!!
Glad to have some company. This waiting is hard! Lots of twinges inside.
Keep me posted and good luck!
It is great to have others to share the 2ww with!!!!
When do each of you test?
I go in on Friday, June 28th for my pregnancy test.
Can't really say that I have had any twinges but I sure use the restroom frequently. And let's not talk about sleep. I get plenty and still want more. Don't know if that is just my imagination or what b/c I never paid it any attention before if it was happening.
Thinking of doing some overtime at work to make more money and take my mind off of this 2ww.
To do, to do oh what am I to do? Lol
My dr basically said, call us if you don't get your period in 2 weeks and to consider counting from the day of IUI even though I triggered early and my cycle is about 3 days shorter this month. That would be 6/28 for me too nblondheim!
Scary thing is that I'm supposed to on a plane to Italy for work on the following Monday evening. I either go pregnant or will have lots of wine to forget! I figure no need to test with the dr as I will know one way or another.
Are either of you doing acupuncture?
Lucky213, here until I get my lima bean...lol
Scared to even get on the treadmill. Cut the grass a couple of days ago but just thought of it as what if I didn't do iui and were preggers and didn't know it then I would be doing what I usually do regardless. Idk, trying to go on day by day and not pull my hair out. We're gonna say you'll be flying out pregnant, so drink juice on the plane and in Italy. You're right about the poas at home either it is or it isn't.
Have heard about acupuncture but didn't want to do anything way out of the ordinary. Plus don't need the added expense right now. Not really "into" acupuncture, meaning not knowing if it's a mind thing or what. But hey if it works for you then best wishes. I've heard a lot of ladies on here talk about it.
Had cramping all day today but most of the posts on here say that is normal. Haven't seen whether or not all that cramping led to any BFPs or not.
God Bless and Baby Dust!!!
Acupuncture is a must. My two friends that were having trouble getting pregnant got pregnant the first month they had acupuncture. I did it this month. Find out if your insurance will pick up the cost.
5dpIUI and still going nuts. All symptoms have disappeared. The acupuncturist made me give up diet coke/caffeine and I've cut back on my coffee intake (like a few sips in the morning now is all I do) so I am falling asleep before 10pm every night.
It just takes 1 good one!
Well 5 down 9 to go!!!
Lucky213: I was doing fine the first few days. Now I am getting very antsy!!! I have hit of miss cramps, twinges, extra bathroom breaks, etc. Some days I am like oh gosh it has to be and the next second I am wondering if they are pre AF symptoms or me making things up!!!! I feel like I can't get enough sleep. I was really watching what I ate and exercising and have really backed off too. I don't want to jeopardize anything!!! That's very cool that is falls on the same day for us. I think you should plan to be going pregnant! ;)
highlyfavored: I am glad to hear I am not the only one who is gun shy about getting on the treadmill! I also often think, if we didn't do IUI would I be like this? Wondering what I should and shouldn't be doing and feeling every little thing! I am also not into acupuncture. I haven't do it but it just doesn't seem like it is something I would enjoy! I have been reading the posts but it's hard to post back on my phone. I was cramping and the day I came on here I read many others having cramping too and voicing that it was normal! I was very thankful for that! Thank you for the baby dust! :)
Sweettheartt: Congratulations on your first IUI! You are doing back to back IUIs huh? We only did one per our doctor. That is great that you are doing acupuncture and know it has worked for others. I wish you the best of luck!!!
Here is part of my blog I posted today:
Pre-pregnancy symptoms or not?! I have NO idea! Sometimes I feel like I am going to the bathroom more, sometimes I feel little twinges or have cramps, sometimes all I want to do is sleep, sometimes I am more emotional, I think my boobs are getting bigger but they aren't much more sensitive, etc. but like my husband said, I am way more aware and sensitive to these things. It has been 4 days since our insemination and I thought I was going to do very well with the waiting game.... I can officially say it's getting harder now! I just want to know! :)
Feel like I've been trying to ignore this wait. These middle/end days aren't fun. Today marks 9dpiui. I have virtually no symptoms except maybe upset stomach from the prenatals I think. Makes me nervous...
Hope you're all doing well and hanging in there!
I am soooo very excited and truly feels very surreal right now!
Thank you to each and every one of you for the sticky baby dust, well wishes, thoughts, prayers, and advice! It is appreciated more than I can put into words!