just started on this new journey

I'm still in the stage of ultrasounds and blood work today I went to the doctor my ovary follicle is at 15mm so far in not taking any meds its natural I find myself reading stories of iui success and fails I don't really know if it will work without meds but I'm praying and I hope one of hours ladies give me some pregnant dust


  • This whole process is a whirlwind! :) My partner and I just did our first cycle...had two back to back IUI's on 3/2 & 3/3...so we are now in the TWW! Stay positive...and relax! Everything happens for a reason, and in time I know you will get your BFP...I am hoping this is your cycle. I am 29 years old, and did a medicated cycle, using 100mg of Clomid from CD5-9...trigger shot then IUI 24 and 48 hours later. Had three mature follicles with my lead being at 19mm at time of trigger...Now it is in God's hands...So I am sending baby dust your way...and praying for some sticky baby dust myself! Can't wait to hear your journey!
  • Oh, and it sure can happen without meds! Every body is different :) Fingers crossed for you!
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