
cloimd vs. injectables

Hi everyone I need some advise I know it’s my choice but I just what other people that are going through the same thing to help with this.
Well one IUI will cost about 1,983w/ cloimd I plan to do three.
And one iui will cost about 3,000 w/ injectables
Is a better chance with injectables than just using cloimd. My doctor says that I did well on cloimd, but I didn’t get pregnant because my periods were really wacky, but since then I have lost the weight my periods have been very predictable and ovulation is happening a lot more than it used to. What do u girls suggest?


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    Hey there!

    I did a few cycles with Clomid with another RE who, I felt, didn't take much time to help me get pregnant.

    This specialist I was recommended now, only uses injectables, even if small amounts. He said, and I quote, that "Clomid is a joke."

    He said that it doesn't help women as much as people once thought. I am no expert, but I think your chances are greater with injectables from having spoken to other women. The only problem is that it's 50% more in cost. If I were you, I'd do one with injectables first, and then decide.

    Good luck!
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