# Family Units and Max Pregnancies

Can you please explicitly clarify the max number of individuals that can purchase each donor? It is unclear about many siblings are typical or listed in the sibling donor registry (especially if you can't join until you have a healthy pregnancy). Is there a max # of buyers that you permit? How many donor siblings could a child have? How many total offspring do your donors typically have?

For the reserve donors, unfortunately there is no guarantee that the donor didn't go to another clinic to donate, correct? Even if you spend the extra $, there is no guarantee that they won't have tens of siblings, correct?

Also, if you are planning IVF and only IUI samples are listed - can you use that?



  • @Anonymous2025 sadly California cyro is under no legal obligation to limit donor limits at all. And many people think they go off vial purchases but they actually go off reported pregnancy to "manage family limits". They will never tell you the real number. However they say the "try to cap donors around 30 families worldwide". My donor has at least this many, I'm in contact with about 25 families and know there are 5 or 6 more in another country. The children are all pretty much the same age and many live close enough they meet regularly.

    You can use IUI vials for IVF.. I did and only used one vial to have the children I do. Some physians wonts split a vial and refreeze it. if you need more than one egg retrieval make sure they are happy to reuse the left over sperm if any. Best of luck!

  • Thanks! Do you know how many total half-siblings your child has?

  • No I don't, we find a new family every few months. One just yesterday actually.. we are at about 30 kids now with the eldest only 3 years old. Some children live near eachother and have been able to meet. The ccb register is a start to find others but it is voluntary and there is only a quarter of the kids listed there for our donor. I would recommend Facebook groups. There are pages just for connecting donor siblings from ccb (it's not run by the bank). I have a feeling my donor is well over the 30 families and at this point it won't be far off confirming that. @Anonymous2025 we have been able to share very important medical updates and start connections for our children. While it might still be taboo, I'm glad I have found them and given my children access at an early age. I'm still checking these boards every so often to see if I can find more. Happy to answer questions on any part of the journey too if you have any.

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