Look for help on the agreement

AgreementIssuesAgreementIssues Posts: 3
edited January 29, 2025 3:01PM in Ask California Cryobank

I recently ordered a vial of sperm and have some concerns regarding the agreement (A3 form) that may affect my ability to prove its legality in another country.
(1)The agreement is one-sided and contains only my typed signature.
(2)There are no terms indicating that the donor has relinquished all legal rights and obligations concerning any offspring resulting from the sperm.

Could you please assist me in addressing these issues? Can I get a new agreement
(1)with handwritten signatures from both sides, and also
(2)with some terms to address the donor has relinquished the parental rights legally
(3)and also with the same dates as the original agreement?
Thanks! It is crucial for me to have solid legal proof for certifications and notarizations in my country.


  • Hi @AgreementIssues - I understand your concerns but unfortunately, we cannot alter our A3 contract. We can provide you with a legal letter confirming your purchase of donor sperm and that the donor has relinquished all parental rights that you can use for documentation in your country. Feel free to give us a call at 1-310-443-5244 to request a legal letter.


    California Cryobank

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