
IVF #1 begins!

Hello all! I haven't really posted before so I thought I would drop in. My wife and I just started injections on Saturday August 20th for IVF with a retrieval date set for next Tuesday or Wednesday.

I wish all of you well in your journey! If you have any questions about our process or are curious about anything? Feel free to ask.


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    Hi Periwinkle--Good luck!! I'm starting injections this Saturday, the 27th. Have you done IUIs before or did you jump straight to IVF? Good luck to you:)

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    Hello Livvy! Are you doing IVF as well then? I did start with IUI first. Our doctor felt in my case IUI would not have as high of a success rate. This is my first cycle and it will be an all freeze. We'll try to transfer in October.
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    Hey ladies! Had our ivf consult yesterday. Today we got the negative from our last iui. We have done 6 Iuis with three different donors. We started our journey last October so we are entering a year mark on this journey. My wife will be carrying. I think we are nervous about the injections. Our last iui was with injectables but those were pretty easy and my wife did them all on her own with me being in the bathroom with her. We are just waiting for AF to start so we can start birth control. We will be most likely doing retrieval and transfer mid to end of October. We are very hopeful for some success finally.
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    Hi all! We are about to begin our first IVF cycle too. My AF started yesterday, so I am going tomorrow for bloodwork and to start my birth control for 3 weeks. I am most nervous about the injections too. But I know it will all be worth it! I am praying that all of us will have first time IVF success!

    Has anyone asked or been told how many vials we should order for the actual IVF cycle?

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    Congrats on starting your IVF journey Livvy and Rebecca! I'm now one day past the egg retrieval stage as of today. It's a very exciting time and I wish you both all the best.
    My wife did all of my shots, but I will say I think I could have done all but the trigger shot on my own. Don't fret, it's really not bad at all. In fact with some lidocaine and ice I'd say it's almost easy.

    The process is long on a sense, but it goes in spurts of fast and slow. It seemed to take forever for us to have the ball rolling.

    With IVF the "blessing," is that you need one vial of sperm. It's going to be washed and extracted in the lab so no need to buy several. At most you may need two if your clinic requires it as insurance in case the other vial isn't good. My clinic needed one shipped straight from CCB and I was good to go.

    I had 16 eggs retrieved yesterday and today 12 of those fertilized. I know that statistically that should leave us with about 5-6 decent embryos at day five. We'll know by next Tuesday.

    - Amber
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    That is great to hear! Are you going to transfer 1 or 2. Our doc said if we do a day 3 transfer he recommends two. If we do a five day he only recommends 1. I'm excited to get the ball rolling. AF is due tomorrow then we can really get insurance authorizations and meds and make it real. We are trying to think of fun things to do before we are tied to the clinic. We are hesitantly excited. My wife will carry so i will be the shot giver.

    Great to see you Livvy and Rebecca. Missed your support. I kind of gave up on the boards because it was too discouraging keeping on getting negatives while people kept getting positives.

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    I can understand feeling discouraged by all of those posts. I've never attempted a pregnancy until now so I didn't have that experience. IVF is our step one, but I know for many it's after IUI wasn't successful.

    The good news is your odds increase quite a lot with IVF so you should be in that club soon!

    We're done with our ER(egg retrieval)now. My wife gave me all the shots and she was phenomenal. It really wasn't bad at all and our end result was good! We now have four frozen embryos to work with so we'll see what happens in a couple of months when we do our first transfer!

    We are only transferring 1 egg. Your success rate is pretty good with a blastocyst assuming it's genetically and chromosomally normal. We opted out of PGS/PGD testing for a variety of reasons. So, we will wait and see how it goes!
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    Great to hear on all ends Amber. It's crazy that at the end you only have four embryos. It seems like from 12 fertilized you'd have more but Its all completely new to me. I'm glad you have what you have. We only want to do the icky part of ivf once and have enough embryos to create our family. We want two or three kids. We will opt out of the testing too as its not covered by insurance and from our Doctor is pretty pricey. When do you think you'll do the transfer. If all goes well we will do a fresh transfer. Who knows. We are just on the birth control now. We are waiting authorization from insurance. So much waiting in the pregnancy process.
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    Amber - That is so exciting! Is there a specific reason you are doing a frozen transfer instead of a fresh? Just wondering. We are planning to do a fresh, because we have been trying for Baby #2 since May 2015...so we don't want more time to pass. Of course, if the RE says it is necessary, we will do frozen.

    Cari - I hope you hear back from the insurance company soon. The waiting is the hardest part in all of this. I am one week into my birth control, so two more weeks to go before injections begin. And although I am still nervous, I just want the time to be here. The anticipation is killer! On a very tentative schedule, my egg retrival should be around Oct 10/11 and embryo transfer around Oct 15/16. It can't get here soon enough! Has the RE reviewed a schedule with you and your wife? I assume we will be close in timing, which is awesome!

    Stay positive,
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    So, that last post was from me. I was logged in as a friend, checking out there "favorites!" Sorry for the confusion!
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    Pols we should be within a week of each other. We have our baseline bloodwork and ultrasound on the 28th. I guess we'd start meds after that for up to fourteen days. I'm ready to get started but the break from the clinic is good as well. Still waiting on insurance authorizations which could take up to 15 days. Glad we have birth control weeks to get it all sorted out. Meds are ordered but we don't have the authorization from insurance there either. We have some time. That's what I tell myself when I get anxious. We've already spent most of our savings on Iuis I just need it to finally be going right for us. We will do a fresh transfer unless recommended otherwise from our Doctor. So much waiting!
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    Hello ladies! I'm happy to share my experience with you both and answer your questions.

    First our process actually began back in October 2015. I had recently had a surgery to remove fibroids from my uterus. It was causing me quite a bit of pain and knowing I wanted children I was concerned. Immediately following that surgery I was told having a baby ASAP was to my benefit because I would now have lots of crevices fresh from healing in which an embryo could implant.

    My wife and I met with an RE and had all sorts of tests done. It was then determined due to fibroids and a blocked Fallopian tube that IVF would be best.

    In February after all tests, donor chosen, and I had healed enough? We were going to have our egg retrieval. Well, at my baseline my ovary suddenly had a cyst. If this happens? They can cancel your entire cycle. So that's what happened.

    They were saying we could try next month, but I was slated to start a brand new job and we felt that have an ER in March wasn't possible. I was going to put things on hold for at least 6-8 months.

    Three months later? My job without notice let me go. While it was no fault of my own that brought this on, we were angry. Mostly because we put off our process for months and now here I was looking at having to wait even longer.

    It was then we decided I would seek unemployment and while waiting to find another job? Keep moving forward with IVF so as not to waste more time.

    So that leads us to now where I was finally on BCPs long enough for the cyst to disappear and I was able to complete egg retrieval.

    Now, my egg amount did go down quite a bit, but that's normal. Your embryologist is only going to freeze the ones that make it to five day blastocysts and only the best looking of those. So typically with my numbers and doing a freeze all cycle? 4-6 was what we should have ended up with.

    In fact MANY women won't get that many so we were happy for the four. You also don't want to end up with OHSS which can happen if you stimulate the ovaries for too long or with too high a dosage.

    We want two children at most. If we only have enough embryos this cycle to create one baby? We are okay with that. We'll purchase another vial of our same donor and do a 2nd IVF round to freeze additional. Hopefully we can get our two from the four we have, but we'll see.

    We do have insurance coverage for IVF so some of our choices are made a bit easier by that. My wife has a very family thinking employer and so some of our friends that she works with are also same-sex couples doing IVF.

    As for fresh vs frozen? We did some research and found that frozen transfers usually result in more pregnancies. Your body has time to heal and purge the hormones being pumped in during your retrieval cycle and because your embryos have to be strong to freeze to begin with? They usually are best able to implant successfully and lead to a full-term pregnancy.

    Yes, fresh are also successful if you don't have OHSS or other factors. However, for us? This was best given how bloated and cramped I felt and in our case to allow us time to remove a small fibroid still remaining that might get in the way. So we're removing that this month and then doing a frozen transfer.

    I wish you both much success and a smooth IVF process. Try to be flexible, open-minded, and patient. You're going to be going through a lot and be ready for the unexpected too. It will ease your stress and worry.
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    Periwinkle, thanks for your story! I would just like to echo the fact that the pain factor is nothing to be afraid of, and even though it is a time suck, we're only talking about several days of it. I was also terrified of the mood swings, but you know what--I have been fine! In fact, I felt like a moodier person in the last year of all of these IUIs than ever during this IVF cycle. So don't be too discouraged.

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    Thanks for your story periwinkle!
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    Hey Livvy - Where are you in the process? How many fertilized embryos did you end with? How many did you transfer? And when do you test? So excited for you! Hoping for your BFP!

    Thank you for sharing your story Amber. It is so nice to know we are not alone.

    I have an RE appointment tomorrow for my mock embryo transfer and endometrial biopsy. Plus they are going to teach me how to do the injections. I appreciate you all telling us the shots are not that bad. It has helped me to be more calm.

    Keep us updated on your journey!
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    Hey Livvy - Where are you in the process? How many fertilized embryos did you end with? How many did you transfer? And when do you test? So excited for you! Hoping for your BFP!

    Thank you for sharing your story Amber. It is so nice to know we are not alone.

    I have an RE appointment tomorrow for my mock embryo transfer and endometrial biopsy. Plus they are going to teach me how to do the injections. I appreciate you all telling us the shots are not that bad. It has helped me to be more calm.

    Keep us updated on your journey!
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    Rebecca, that is awesome you go in for the mock stuff. I think they just go for it at our clinic. We are still awaiting on insurance authorizations. Apparently they didn't submit them when my wife got her last negative as they said they did. They said it could take up to 15 business days which will be the day of our baseline. So hoping it comes through sooner. I'd hate to put this on hold even longer. I'd also hate for our insurance to deny us. They shouldn't but that's my anxious brain with this process. It's so nice to hear your stories and reassurance!

    Livvy, when do you test? Did you do a five day transfer?

    Periwinkle, when is your transfer?

    It's great to have some support through all of this. I think it would be surreal if our nurse called us giving us a positive. I'm pretty sure I'd ask are you sure? That can't be right after having so many negatives.
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    Rebecca--how did your mock go? I'm glad you're feeling better about the shots. Like I said, first few times I felt like we needed 20 minutes to prepare everything, but once you get the hang of it, it's a normal routine.

    Elliejo, I am hoping your insurance stuff goes through sooner so you don't have to wait any longer.

    I did a 5 day transfer yesterday (Tuesday). Other than having to have a full bladder, it was a painless and pretty quick process. I was at work by 10 AM. I am not allowed to exercise heavily for a few days and the no caffeine has SUCKED, but that's life!

    I had 14 eggs, 10 survived the retrieval, 7 embryos from there, and 1 blastocyst that they transferred into me. If the other 6 mature to blast stage, they'll freeze them, otherwise pitch them. I test on September 26th!
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    Livvy - That is so exciting! I will be sending all my positive thoughts your way! I am so rooting for you! Did you find out if they were able to freeze any? Are you feeling well? I really appreciate you sharing your story with us. It is so helpful to know that we are not alone, and someone else gets it.

    My mock transfer went great, but I totally agree that the full bladder definitely makes it a little uncomfortable. Like I had to concentrate on not peeing the whole time! Luckily it was quick and successful!

    Cari - Have you heard from the insurance yet? The waiting is the worst! I am sure everything will come through, hopefully in time for this round with no delay.

    Wishing everyone baby dust,
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    Great news our authorization went through!!! We are covered for one round of ivf. Our insurance will cover up to 4 but only authorize one at a time!! So now we just need our baseline to come. When did you all start after your baseline? This is our birth control baseline. We aren't quite sure how this all works yet since we haven't switched to the ivf nurses yet.

    Rebecca seems like our timing may be close! When is your baseline?

    Livvy the 26th is right around the corner! Did any of your other embryos turn into blastocysts? Hoping you have a few extra if you want a second or this cycle doesn't take but only wishing for positives.

    Periwinkle when's the transfer?!?!?

    Baby dust to all of us.

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    Congrats on your transfer Livvy! Be sure to let us know how your beta goes on the 26th! Lots of baby dust to you! How exciting!

    Rebecca, I'm glad your mock transfer went well, even if it felt like you were about to pee. This whole process can feel so ridiculous at times. Clearly we all want a baby!

    Cari, hoping things worked out with your insurance as well. I've had my own hang ups on that end. Talk about a pain in the butt. I work in insurance for a living too. Makes it more annoying.

    I will be having a hysteroscopy on 09/30 to remove a fibroid so it doesn't get in the way and to evaluate how my uterus looks in general before a transfer can be scheduled. I'm hoping maybe late October, but it may not be until November.
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    Cari, I am so glad your insurance is covering this, too! When I found that out, it made my summer. And Rebecca, I'm equally excited to hear how things go for you these next few weeks.

    Of my 7 embies, only 3 made it to the Day 5 stage. I don't know if that's good or bad? Someone told me it might explain why my 7 IUIs failed, but who knows. I am hoping this transfer takes, but I suppose it's fortunate we have 2 back-ups, too:)
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    Cari - Great news about the insurance! My baseline in next Thursday, Sept 29. I started Lupron injections last night, but still have BC for 4 more days. Then based on that bloodwork, all of my stimulation injections should begin that evening and continue for about 10 days. When is yours? And do you start your meds right after?

    Livvy - How are you feeling? I think it is pretty good that 3 made it to the blastocyst stage. That's almost 50%. Hopefully you won't need them right now, but back up is always nice.

    I will keep you updated as my process begins.

    Baby dust to each of you,
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    Rebecca we won't start stimulation meds most likely for three days after our baseline which is the 28th. It could be sooner depending on baseline. We were told to be prepared for up to 14 days on meds could be shorter. Sounds like we will be TWW buddies again!

    Hoping everything is positive for all of us!

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    Hi ladies-I didn't even have my beta on Monday but I am out this month--I got my period this morning. My only consolation is having 2 extra frozen embryos and not having to go through all the shots & stuff again. Good luck to you!

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    So sorry Livvy. Glad you have the other embryos. Sending you comforting thoughts.

    As for us meds arrived today. We are absolutely overwhelmed. My wife was very tearful that we have to do all of this to her body to have a chance at getting pregnant not even a guarantee. Hoping for a good outcome and that we don't have real fertility issues.
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    I responded before, but see it didn't save! That's frustrating.

    Livvy - Congrats on your retrioand transfer! How exciting. Please let us know how it goes. Lots of baby dust to you!

    Rebecca - Now that the mock is complete, where are you in your cycle?

    Cari - I hope everything is coming along with the insurance. I'm having my own insurance issues, so I can relate.

    As for me? I have my surgery on the 30th of this month. What happens after that is up to my RE. I hope we can do a transfer in October. Right next w I'm just focusing on getting this surgery behind me. I'm not at all looking forward to it.
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    I seriously have tried to update twice now to no avail. I'm frustrated at this point. I'll try ONE more time.

    Rebecca - Now that your mock is through, what's next for you?

    Livvy - Congrats on your transfer? When is your beta scheduled? Keep us posted.

    Cari - How are you doing? I get the insurance thing. I'm having issues as well. Best of luck!

    As for me, my surgery is next Friday the 30th and I'll be happy when it's behind me. I hope we can do an October transfer, but that's entirely up to what they find and the RE.
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    I seriously have tried to update twice now to no avail. I'm frustrated at this point. I'll try ONE more time.

    Rebecca - Now that your mock is through, what's next for you?

    Livvy - Congrats on your transfer? When is your beta scheduled? Keep us posted.

    Cari - How are you doing? I get the insurance thing. I'm having issues as well. Best of luck!

    As for me, my surgery is next Friday the 30th and I'll be happy when it's behind me. I hope we can do an October transfer, but that's entirely up to what they find and the RE.
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    I seriously have tried to update twice now to no avail. I'm frustrated at this point. I'll try ONE more time.

    Rebecca - Now that your mock is through, what's next for you?

    Livvy - Congrats on your transfer? When is your beta scheduled? Keep us posted.

    Cari - How are you doing? I get the insurance thing. I'm having issues as well. Best of luck!

    As for me, my surgery is next Friday the 30th and I'll be happy when it's behind me. I hope we can do an October transfer, but that's entirely up to what they find and the RE.
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