Seeking vials donor 15690

SiblingseekerSiblingseeker Posts: 4
edited June 28, 2024 10:47AM in Selecting a Sperm Donor


Desperately seeking vials for sale for donor #15690.
We have one son with this donor and just had a tragic loss of our girl at 34 weeks.
We desperately seek a genetic sibling for our son and previously sold our additional vial back.

We have confirmed with CCB that if we are successful in finding a vial, we should begin the process where we work through a sale and transfer of ownership with their office.

Thank you.


  • Hammonds creationsHammonds creations Posts: 103
    edited June 28, 2024 4:26AM

    Hello, I'm so sorry for your loss. I would recommend if you aren't already a member, trying these two Facebook groups.

    CCB friends and
    California Cyrobank donor conceived and recipients. Good luck.

  • Hi there

    I have requested to be in the groups and it's been pending admin approval all week. Understandably, I'm very eager.

    Thank you for your words, devastating loss.

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