Hawaiian/Samoan Sperm

Hi! My wife is Hawaiian and I will be the carrier for our IVF journey. We are looking for a sperm donor that is Polynesian, Samoan, or Hawaiian. Do you know if you all have any donors available that we are maybe missing? We found one but it looks like he is sold out. It's #16645. We are struggling finding a donor that has some Hawaiian in them. Any help is appreciated!


  • Hi @KTCHF ! Thanks for checking out California Cryobank. Unfortunately, Pacific Islander donors are difficult to come by. In the past 5-6 years we've only had about two donors. Would Donor 17603 be an option for you? His mother is Samoan and Irish. He also has Adult Photos available. Take a peek at his profile and feel free to email me at nicole@cryobank.com if you're interested. He's about to have additional vials released and they are likely to sell out quickly: https://www.cryobank.com/donor/17603/


    California Cryobank

  • Hi @KTCHF! Donor 17603 is going to have vials available tomorrow. The vials may sell out quickly, so please don't wait to purchase vials if you're interested in this donor.

    California Cryobank

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