Looking for vials for donor 16572

crystalizationcrystalization Posts: 13
edited July 7, 2023 9:22PM in LGBTQ+ Couples

Hello, I am particular interested in this donor because we share similar education and family background. I have been doing donor searches for months and have not got much luck, but my biological clock is clicking fast as I am over 40. It would be much appreciated if anyone would love to share some spare vials. Any type of vials will work for me. Thank you so much for your help!!! Please contact me to discuss it in details if you are interested. Again, thank you and bless you!


  • Hi Crystalization, just wondering if you are still looking for vials from donor 16572?

  • Yes, I am still looking for his vials. I am in the process of IVF, and because of my age, the doctor thought I would need more than 3 cycles of IVF to get any result.I definitely need more of his vials. How could I contact you? Would you please email me at 2979931955@qq.com to talk about the transferring of ownership? Thank you very much!

  • Dear KB1517, I have not heard from you. I have just experienced the failure of my first IVF cycle, and I am coping with it. I really need to get more vials of 16572. Would you please let me know how to contact you about transferring the ownership? Thank you very much.

  • Hi Crystalization,

    I have several vials for donor #16572 that you were looking for. Do you still need them?

  • Sure, I am still looking for vials from Donor 16572, as I am currently in the process of IVF treatment. Would you please let me know where your vials are kept? I would prefer vials kept in CCB. If you are also interested, we could discuss it in more detail using emails. My email address is 2979931955@qq.com. Thank you so much for reaching out! Have a good day!

  • Good to hear, my vials are stored at California Cryobank and they have never left the facility. The vials are IUI. I will send you an email with details. Thank you and have a good day as well!

  • Hi Crystalization, sorry for the no response. My vials aren’t with CCB sorry. Would love to stay connected since you’re using the same donor :)

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