
Question about blood type


Does CBB have any advice to give about blood type of the donor? For example, if your type is A then pick a donor with ? type, etc?

I thought I remembered reading about that one time and I was just wondering.



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    I was wondering the same thing about blood types. Also, what is the universal blood type O+ or O-?
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    Here's CA Cryobank info about blood type:


    Generally speaking,

    Universal donor is O-
    Universal recipient is A+

    Specifically speaking it's not actually quite that simple, but those are the two types people mean when they talk about a universal donor or a universal recipient.
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    Do I have to pick a donor with a specific blood type or can I choose any donor I'm interested in?
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    dp and i used the same donor to get pregnant. donor is a-, i am o+ and dp is b+. in short, it does not matter which blood type you pick. the one caveat is if you are negative and the donor is positive. then you may need a rhogam shot once you are pregnant...but your ob will advise about that.

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    Good answer qmjhqsz. That is correct. Blood type makes no real difference (do you know anyone who ever checked a partner's blood type before deciding to conceive naturally?).

    FYI... You may also receive another rhogam shot just before delivery.


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    Thanks Scott & to everyone else for input :)
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