Does anyone have available vials of 11296, please?

We are hoping to purchase more vials of donor 11296. Please let us know if you have any and would be willing to sell. Thank you!


  • I am hoping too to purchase from donor
    (only 1 or 2 vials).

    It is my great wish to have on child
    from 11296. He is perfect.

    Please, please answer !! Thank you.

    at littlered: please write me too.
    I am interested in you.
    (how long you try, why you have choosen him -
    I you would, It would be great to hear from

    (I am from switzerland)
  • Sorry for our delay in response. We chose this donor because he is a very good match in terms of cultural heritage. We are hopeful that all will work out. Best of luck to you, too. :) Let's stay in touch with updates.
  • Hello littlered, do I understand correctly that you have one or more children from this donor? I do too - and would be interested in hearing from you:
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