Pregnancy After Late Term Termination

Hi all, right before I turned 40 in the pandemic, I decided to pursue having a child on my own as I had not met the right partner and I did not foresee meeting someone during the ongoing pandemic. I used three different sperm donors from Cryobank and Cryobank has been amazing. I had three failed IUIs, a total of six embryo transfers and an ectopic pregnancy from one of the IVF embryo transfers. After my sixth trial transfer, I finally found myself pregnant and was over the moon. Sadly, at my eighteen week scan, a rare brain malformation was detected called Dandy Walker Syndrome. For me, there was no choice after the doctor explained to me what this child's life would likely be with this syndrome. I decided to terminate this much wanted pregnancy. This is not a genetic condition and I intend to use the same sperm donor as I move forward. It is truly a cruel fluke. I am wondering if anyone else has had a late term termination and then started this process over and what their experience has been like. Any words of wisdom much appreciated. Thank you.

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