Wanting to purchase African American or Biracial Vials
In an interracial marriage and would like donor similar to my wife's background. If atleast 3 available, please let me know!
In an interracial marriage and would like donor similar to my wife's background. If atleast 3 available, please let me know!
I have 2 vials of Donor 16568. They are "ID Disclosure - Premium IUI" vials and currently stored at CCB. Donor has had successful pregnancies.
Hi there, I'm selling 4 vials of premium IUI for donor 16568. Tall, African American, artistic, musical and intelligent. Adult photos avail. Sells out quickly. Sadly CMV+ and found out I need negative. Let me know if interested. Stored at CCB, costs $365 in addition to price of vials to transfer ownership.
@CaliSunshine777 are these still available?
Yes they are! Feel free to email me at kkasha81@gmail.com to set up a time to chat about it.
@Chilo2022 are these still available? What’s your price?
@Oya we still have 3 vials available. are you still interested? the vial cost us $1130 if you are interested, we can sell it to you for $900 per vial. You just have to pay the one-time transfer fee and storage. I would much rather sell it to someone than sell it back to the cryobank back at half the price than what we bought them for. Cryobanks just get rich on people desires to conceive and have families. If we sell back to the bank, we get half of what we paid per vial and the bank turns around and puts them back at full price.
Hi @Chilo2022 I'm in interested in the vials! Email is justinemeena08@gmail.com
Hi @Chilo2022 I'm interested in the vials if still available please contact me at bergsarah151@gmail.com
@Chilo2022 @CaliSunshine777 i was wondering if either of you still have vials for 16568?!