Please help!

Minnie01Minnie01 Posts: 2
edited July 28, 2021 12:42AM in LGBTQ+ Couples

Me and my wife are going to buy our first vial in Aug and are wondering if anyone has had a successful pregnancy with donor 14484? I am a little worried do to being told i could not ovulate on my own. Please any information would be very helpful!


  • @Minnie01 Are you on medication/seeing a fertility doctor? If you can't ovulate on your own, you can't do an at-home insemination.

  • They are putting me on Clomid once I start my period but that’s it

  • @Minnie01 More than a stimulator (i.e. clomid), you should be given a trigger shot (i.e. ovedril) to help you ovulate! Have they done any fertility testing? If you are not ovulating on your own, there may be an underlying issue. Whether you are working with an OB/GYN or an RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist) also makes a difference in the protocols and how aggressive they are at getting you pregnant.

  • Please see a fertility specialist if you haven't before you start at home insemination bc it can get pricey quick. I have the same issue as you and I am preparing for my 3rd round of ivf

  • Hello 👋 Did you end up using this donor? We had success with him 👍

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